Importing the class
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
import mods.zensummoning.SummoningInfo;
Static Methods
Creates a new SummoningInfo with default values.
See other methods for adding more customization.
Same as constructor.
Returns: new info
Return Type: SummoningInfo
// SummoningInfo.create() as SummoningInfo
No Description Provided
new SummoningInfo() as SummoningInfonew SummoningInfo();
Adds an additional condition for the summoning to work. This can be used to require a gamestage (or deny one I guess)
Returns: self
Return Type: SummoningInfo
// SummoningInfo.addCondition(condition as Predicate<SummoningAttempt>, failureMessage as string, jeiDescription as string) as SummoningInfo
mySummoningInfo.addCondition(Predicate for summoning to succeed, Chat message to show on failure, Line to show in JEI preview);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter condition | Type Predicate<SummoningAttempt> | Description condition |
Parameter failureMessage | Type string | Description chat message on failure |
Parameter jeiDescription | Type string | Description No Description Provided |
Adds a new mob to the summoning. Returns itself for builder pattern.
Returns: self SummoningInfo for builder pattern
Return Type: SummoningInfo
// SummoningInfo.addMob(info as MobInfo) as SummoningInfo
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter info | Type MobInfo | Description mob to add |
Sets the catalyst that will be used to start the ritual.
Returns: self
Return Type: SummoningInfo
// SummoningInfo.setCatalyst(ingredient as IIngredientWithAmount) as SummoningInfo
mySummoningInfo.setCatalyst(<item:minecraft:stick> * 2);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter ingredient | Type IIngredientWithAmount | Description catalyst |
Determines whether or not the catalyst will be consumed.
Returns: self
Return Type: SummoningInfo
// SummoningInfo.setConsumeCatalyst(value as boolean) as SummoningInfo
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter value | Type boolean | Description consumed |
Custom callback to determine if a summon should be allowed.
Returns: self
Return Type: SummoningInfo
// SummoningInfo.setMutator(mutator as Consumer<SummoningAttempt>) as SummoningInfo
mySummoningInfo.setMutator((attempt as SummoningAttempt) => { if ( { attempt.success = false; attempt.message = "Can't summon this in the rain!"; } else { attempt.message = "Good Luck!"; } });
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter mutator | Type Consumer<SummoningAttempt> | Description callback |
Sets the ingredients to be required to start the summon.
Returns: self
Return Type: SummoningInfo
// SummoningInfo.setReagents(reagents as IIngredientWithAmount[]) as SummoningInfo
mySummoningInfo.setReagents([<item:minecraft:stone>, <item:minecraft:egg>*12]);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter reagents | Type IIngredientWithAmount[] | Description ingredient list |
Sets the sound played when a summon completes.
Returns: self
Return Type: SummoningInfo
// SummoningInfo.setSound(sound as string) as SummoningInfo
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter sound | Type string | Description sound resource location |
Sets the weight that this summoning has. Summonings with the same catalyst and reagents are determined randomly using this.
Returns: self
Return Type: SummoningInfo
// SummoningInfo.setWeight(weight as double) as SummoningInfo
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter weight | Type double | Description |