Link to livingentity
Importare la Classe
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It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
ZenScript Copyimport crafttweaker.api.entity.LivingEntity;
Extending Entity
Link to extending-entity
LivingEntity extends Entity. That means all methods available in Entity are also available in LivingEntity
Link to metodi
Name: addEffect
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.addEffect(effectInstance as MobEffectInstance) as boolean
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro effectInstance | Tipo MobEffectInstance |
Name: addEffect
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.addEffect(effectInstance as MobEffectInstance, entity as Entity?) as boolean
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro effectInstance | Tipo MobEffectInstance |
Parametro entity | Tipo Entity? |
Name: attackable
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.attackable() as boolean
Name: canAttack
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.canAttack(target as LivingEntity) as boolean
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro target | Tipo LivingEntity |
Name: canBeAffected
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.canBeAffected(effectInstance as MobEffectInstance) as boolean
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro effectInstance | Tipo MobEffectInstance |
Name: canBeSeenAsEnemy
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.canBeSeenAsEnemy() as boolean
Name: canBeSeenByAnyone
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.canBeSeenByAnyone() as boolean
Name: canBreatheUnderwater
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.canBreatheUnderwater() as boolean
Name: canSpawnSoulSpeedParticle
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.canSpawnSoulSpeedParticle() as boolean
Name: canStandOnFluid
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.canStandOnFluid(fluid as Fluid) as boolean
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro fluid | Tipo Fluid |
Name: canTakeItem
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.canTakeItem(stack as ItemStack) as boolean
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro stack | Tipo ItemStack |
Name: clearSleepingPos
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.clearSleepingPos()
Name: die
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.die(source as DamageSource)
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro sorgente | Tipo DamageSource |
Name: doHurtTarget
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.doHurtTarget(entity as Entity) as boolean
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro entity | Tipo Entity |
Name: forceAddEffect
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.forceAddEffect(effectInstance as MobEffectInstance, entity as Entity?)
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro effectInstance | Tipo MobEffectInstance |
Parametro entity | Tipo Entity? |
Name: getAbsorptionAmount
Return Type: float
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getAbsorptionAmount() as float
Name: getActiveEffects
Return Type: Collection<MobEffectInstance>
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getActiveEffects() as Collection<MobEffectInstance>
Name: getActiveEffectsMap
Return Type: MobEffectInstance[MobEffect]
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getActiveEffectsMap() as MobEffectInstance[MobEffect]
Name: getArmorCoverPercentage
Return Type: float
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getArmorCoverPercentage() as float
Name: getArmorValue
Return Type: int
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getArmorValue() as int
Name: getArrowCount
Return Type: int
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getArrowCount() as int
Name: getAttribute
Return Type: AttributeInstance?
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.getAttribute(attribute as Attribute) as AttributeInstance?
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro attribute | Tipo Attribute |
Name: getAttributeBaseValue
Return Type: double
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.getAttributeBaseValue(attribute as Attribute) as double
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro attribute | Tipo Attribute |
Name: getAttributeValue
Return Type: double
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.getAttributeValue(attribute as Attribute) as double
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro attribute | Tipo Attribute |
Name: getBedOrientation
Return Type: Direction?
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getBedOrientation() as Direction?
Name: getEffect
Return Type: MobEffectInstance?
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.getEffect(effect as MobEffect) as MobEffectInstance?
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro effect | Tipo MobEffect |
Name: getFallFlyingTicks
Return Type: int
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getFallFlyingTicks() as int
Name: getHealth
Return Type: float
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getHealth() as float
Name: getItemBySlot
Return Type: ItemStack
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.getItemBySlot(slot as EquipmentSlot) as ItemStack
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro slot | Tipo EquipmentSlot |
Name: getItemInHand
Return Type: ItemStack
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.getItemInHand(hand as InteractionHand) as ItemStack
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro hand | Tipo InteractionHand |
Name: getJumpBoostPower
Return Type: double
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getJumpBoostPower() as double
Name: getKillCredit
Return Type: LivingEntity?
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getKillCredit() as LivingEntity?
Name: getLastClimbablePos
Return Type: BlockPos?
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getLastClimbablePos() as BlockPos?
Name: getLastDamageSource
Return Type: DamageSource?
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getLastDamageSource() as DamageSource?
Name: getLastHurtByMob
Return Type: LivingEntity?
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getLastHurtByMob() as LivingEntity?
Name: getLastHurtByMobTimestamp
Return Type: int
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getLastHurtByMobTimestamp() as int
Name: getLastHurtMob
Return Type: LivingEntity
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getLastHurtMob() as LivingEntity
Name: getLastHurtMobTimestamp
Return Type: int
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getLastHurtMobTimestamp() as int
Name: getLootTable
Return Type: ResourceLocation
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getLootTable() as ResourceLocation
Name: getMainArm
Return Type: HumanoidArm
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getMainArm() as HumanoidArm
Name: getMainHandItem
Return Type: ItemStack
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getMainHandItem() as ItemStack
Name: getMaxHealth
Return Type: float
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getMaxHealth() as float
Name: getMobType
Return Type: MobType
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getMobType() as MobType
Name: getNoActionTime
Return Type: int
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getNoActionTime() as int
Name: getOffhandItem
Return Type: ItemStack
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getOffhandItem() as ItemStack
Name: getRandom
Return Type: Random
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getRandom() as Random
Name: getScale
Return Type: float
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getScale() as float
Name: getSleepingPos
Return Type: BlockPos?
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getSleepingPos() as BlockPos?
Name: getSpeed
Return Type: float
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getSpeed() as float
Name: getStingerCount
Return Type: int
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getStingerCount() as int
Name: getSwimAmount
Return Type: float
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.getSwimAmount(partialTicks as float) as float
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro partialTicks | Tipo float |
Name: getTicksUsingItem
Return Type: int
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getTicksUsingItem() as int
Name: getUseItem
Return Type: ItemStack
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getUseItem() as ItemStack
Name: getUseItemRemainingTicks
Return Type: int
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getUseItemRemainingTicks() as int
Name: getUsedItemHand
Return Type: InteractionHand
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getUsedItemHand() as InteractionHand
Name: getVisibilityPercent
Return Type: double
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.getVisibilityPercent(lookingEntity as Entity?) as double
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro lookingEntity | Tipo Entity? |
Name: getVoicePitch
Return Type: float
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.getVoicePitch() as float
Name: hasEffect
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.hasEffect(effect as MobEffect) as boolean
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro effect | Tipo MobEffect |
Name: hasItemInSlot
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.hasItemInSlot(slot as EquipmentSlot) as boolean
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro slot | Tipo EquipmentSlot |
Name: hasLineOfSight
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.hasLineOfSight(entity as Entity) as boolean
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro entity | Tipo Entity |
Name: heal
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.heal(amount as float)
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro amount | Tipo float |
Name: isAffectedByPotions
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.isAffectedByPotions() as boolean
Name: isAutoSpinAttack
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.isAutoSpinAttack() as boolean
Name: isBaby
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.isBaby() as boolean
Name: isBlocking
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.isBlocking() as boolean
Name: isCurrentlyGlowing
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.isCurrentlyGlowing() as boolean
Name: isDamageSourceBlocked
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.isDamageSourceBlocked(source as DamageSource) as boolean
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro sorgente | Tipo DamageSource |
Name: isDeadOrDying
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.isDeadOrDying() as boolean
Name: isFallFlying
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.isFallFlying() as boolean
Name: isHolding
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.isHolding(item as ItemDefinition) as boolean
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro item | Tipo ItemDefinition |
Name: isHolding
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.isHolding(predicate as Predicate<ItemStack>) as boolean
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro predicate | Tipo Predicate<ItemStack> |
Name: isInvertedHealAndHarm
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.isInvertedHealAndHarm() as boolean
Name: isSensitiveToWater
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.isSensitiveToWater() as boolean
Name: isSleeping
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.isSleeping() as boolean
Name: isSuppressingSlidingDownLadder
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.isSuppressingSlidingDownLadder() as boolean
Name: isUsingItem
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.isUsingItem() as boolean
Name: isVisuallySwimming
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.isVisuallySwimming() as boolean
Name: knockback
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.knockback(x as double, y as double, z as double)
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro x | Tipo double |
Parametro y | Tipo double |
Parametro z | Tipo double |
Name: releaseUsingItem
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.releaseUsingItem()
Name: removeAllEffects
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.removeAllEffects() as boolean
Name: removeEffect
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.removeEffect(effect as MobEffect) as boolean
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro effect | Tipo MobEffect |
Name: removeEffectNoUpdate
Return Type: MobEffectInstance?
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.removeEffectNoUpdate(effect as MobEffect?) as MobEffectInstance?
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro effect | Tipo MobEffect? |
Name: setAbsorptionAmount
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.setAbsorptionAmount(absorption as float)
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro absorption | Tipo float |
Name: setArrowCount
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.setArrowCount(count as int)
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro count | Tipo int |
Name: setDiscardFriction
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.setDiscardFriction(discardFriction as boolean)
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro discardFriction | Tipo boolean |
Name: setHealth
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.setHealth(health as float)
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro health | Tipo float |
Name: setItemInHand
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.setItemInHand(hand as InteractionHand, stack as ItemStack)
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro hand | Tipo InteractionHand |
Parametro stack | Tipo ItemStack |
Name: setJumping
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.setJumping(jumping as boolean)
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro jumping | Tipo boolean |
Name: setLastHurtByMob
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.setLastHurtByMob(entity as LivingEntity?)
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro entity | Tipo LivingEntity? |
Name: setLastHurtByPlayer
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.setLastHurtByPlayer(player as Player?)
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro player | Tipo Player? |
Name: setLastHurtMob
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.setLastHurtMob(entity as Entity)
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro entity | Tipo Entity |
Name: setNoActionTime
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.setNoActionTime(idleTime as int)
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro idleTime | Tipo int |
Name: setSleepingPos
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.setSleepingPos(pos as BlockPos)
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro pos | Tipo BlockPos |
Name: setSpeed
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.setSpeed(speed as float)
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro speed | Tipo float |
Name: setStingerCount
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.setStingerCount(count as int)
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro count | Tipo int |
Name: shouldDiscardFriction
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.shouldDiscardFriction() as boolean
Name: startSleeping
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.startSleeping(pos as BlockPos)
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro pos | Tipo BlockPos |
Name: startUsingItem
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.startUsingItem(param0 as InteractionHand)
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro param0 | Tipo InteractionHand |
Name: stopSleeping
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.stopSleeping()
Name: stopUsingItem
ZenScript Copy// LivingEntity.stopUsingItem()
Name: swing
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.swing(hand as InteractionHand)
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro hand | Tipo InteractionHand |
Name: swing
ZenScript CopyLivingEntity.swing(hand as InteractionHand, updateSelf as boolean)
Parametro | Tipo |
Parametro hand | Tipo InteractionHand |
Parametro updateSelf | Tipo boolean |
Link to proprietà
Nome | Tipo | Ha Getter | Ha Setter |
Nome absorptionAmount | Tipo float | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome activeEFfectsMap | Tipo MobEffectInstance[MobEffect] | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome activeEffects | Tipo Collection<MobEffectInstance> | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome armorCoverPercentage | Tipo float | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome armorValue | Tipo int | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome arrowCount | Tipo int | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome attackable | Tipo boolean | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome bedOrientation | Tipo Direction? | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome canBeSeenAsEnemy | Tipo boolean | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome canBeSeenByAnyone | Tipo boolean | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome canBreatheUnderwater | Tipo boolean | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome fallFlyingTicks | Tipo int | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome health | Tipo float | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome isAffectedByPotions | Tipo boolean | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome isAutoSpinAttack | Tipo boolean | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome isBaby | Tipo boolean | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome isBlocking | Tipo boolean | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome isCurrentlyGlowing | Tipo boolean | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome isDeadOrDying | Tipo boolean | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome isFallFlying | Tipo boolean | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome isInvertedHealAndHarm | Tipo boolean | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome isSensitiveToWater | Tipo boolean | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome isSleeping | Tipo boolean | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome isSuppressingSlidingDownLadder | Tipo boolean | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome isUsingItem | Tipo boolean | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome isVisuallySwimming | Tipo boolean | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome jumpBoostPower | Tipo double | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome killCredit | Tipo LivingEntity? | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome lastClimbablePos | Tipo BlockPos? | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome lastDamageSource | Tipo DamageSource? | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome lastHurtByMob | Tipo LivingEntity? | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome lastHurtByMobTimestamp | Tipo int | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome lastHurtMob | Tipo LivingEntity | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome lastHurtMobTimestamp | Tipo int | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome lootTable | Tipo ResourceLocation | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome mainArm | Tipo HumanoidArm | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome mainHandItem | Tipo ItemStack | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome maxHealth | Tipo float | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome mobType | Tipo MobType | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome noActionTime | Tipo int | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome offHandItem | Tipo ItemStack | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome random | Tipo Random | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome scale | Tipo float | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome shouldDiscardFriction | Tipo boolean | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome sleepingPos | Tipo BlockPos? | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome speed | Tipo float | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome stingerCount | Tipo int | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome ticksUsingItem | Tipo int | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome useItem | Tipo ItemStack | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome useItemRemainingTicks | Tipo int | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome usedItemHand | Tipo InteractionHand | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |
Nome voicePitch | Tipo float | Ha Getter sì | Ha Setter no |