Link to metalpress
Allows you to add or remove Metal Press recipes.
Metal Press recipes consist of an input, a mold item and an output.
Importing the class
Link to importing-the-class
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
ZenScript Copyimport mods.immersiveengineering.MetalPress;
Implemented Interfaces
Link to implemented-interfaces
MetalPress implements the following interfaces. That means all methods defined in these interfaces are also available in MetalPress
Link to methods
Name: addJsonRecipe
ZenScript CopyMetalPress.addJsonRecipe(name as string, mapData as MapData)
Parameter | Type |
Parameter name | Type string |
Parameter mapData | Type MapData |
Name: addRecipe
Adds a new metal press recipe
ZenScript Copy// MetalPress.addRecipe(recipePath as string, input as IIngredientWithAmount, mold as IItemStack, energy as int, output as IItemStack)
<recipetype:immersiveengineering:metal_press>.addRecipe("book_press", <item:minecraft:paper> * 2, <item:immersiveengineering:manual>, 1000, <item:immersiveengineering:manual>);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter recipePath | Type string | Description The recipe name, without the resource location |
Parameter input | Type IIngredientWithAmount | Description The recipe's input |
Parameter mold | Type IItemStack | Description The mold to be used |
Parameter energy | Type int | Description The total energy required for this recipe |
Parameter output | Type IItemStack | Description The recipe result |
Name: getAllRecipes
Return Type: stdlib.List<T>
ZenScript Copy// MetalPress.getAllRecipes() as stdlib.List<T>
Name: getRecipeByName
Return Type: T
ZenScript CopyMetalPress.getRecipeByName(name as string) as T
Parameter | Type |
Parameter name | Type string |
Name: getRecipeMap
Return Type: T[ResourceLocation]
ZenScript Copy// MetalPress.getRecipeMap() as T[ResourceLocation]
Name: getRecipesByOutput
Return Type: stdlib.List<T>
ZenScript CopyMetalPress.getRecipesByOutput(output as IIngredient) as stdlib.List<T>
Parameter | Type |
Parameter output | Type IIngredient |
Name: remove
ZenScript CopyMetalPress.remove(output as IIngredient)
Parameter | Type |
Parameter output | Type IIngredient |
Name: removeAll
ZenScript Copy// MetalPress.removeAll()
Name: removeByInput
ZenScript CopyMetalPress.removeByInput(input as IItemStack)
Parameter | Type |
Parameter input | Type IItemStack |
Name: removeByModid
ZenScript CopyMetalPress.removeByModid(modid as string, exclude as Predicate<string>)
Parameter | Type | Optional | Default Value |
Parameter modid | Type string | Optional false | Default Value |
Parameter wyklucz | Type Predicate<string> | Optional true | Default Value (name as string) as bool => false |
Name: removeByName
ZenScript CopyMetalPress.removeByName(names as string[])
Parameter | Type |
Parameter names | Type string[] |
Name: removeByRegex
ZenScript CopyMetalPress.removeByRegex(regex as string, exclude as Predicate<string>)
Parameter | Type | Optional | Default Value |
Parameter regex | Type string | Optional false | Default Value |
Parameter wyklucz | Type Predicate<string> | Optional true | Default Value (name as string) as bool => false |
Link to properties
Name | Type | Has Getter | Has Setter |
Name allRecipes | Type stdlib.List<T> | Has Getter true | Has Setter false |
Name recipeMap | Type T[ResourceLocation] | Has Getter true | Has Setter false |