Importing the class
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
import crafttweaker.api.world.LevelAccessor;
Return Type: DifficultyInstance
LevelAccessor.getCurrentDifficultyAt(position as BlockPos) as DifficultyInstance
Parameter | Type |
Parameter position | Type BlockPos |
Return Type: boolean
LevelAccessor.hasChunk(x as int, y as int) as boolean
Parameter | Type |
Parameter x | Type int |
Parameter y | Type int |
Triggers a predetermined event on the client. Using this on a server or integrated server will send the event to all nearby players.
LevelAccessor.levelEvent(event as int, position as BlockPos, extra as int)
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter event | Type int | Description The ID of the event to play. |
Parameter position | Type BlockPos | Description The position of the event. |
Parameter extra | Type int | Description Four bytes of additional data encoded as an integer. This is generally unused. |
Triggers a predetermined event on the client. Using this on a server or integrated server will send the event to all nearby players.
LevelAccessor.levelEvent(excluded as Player?, event as int, position as BlockPos, extra as int)
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter excluded | Type Player? | Description An excluded player who will not receive the event. |
Parameter event | Type int | Description The ID of the event to play. |
Parameter position | Type BlockPos | Description The position of the event. |
Parameter extra | Type int | Description Four bytes of additional data encoded as an integer. This is generally unused. |
LevelAccessor.playSound(player as Player?, position as BlockPos, event as SoundEvent, source as SoundSource)
Parameter | Type |
Parameter player | Type Player? |
Parameter position | Type BlockPos |
Parameter event | Type SoundEvent |
Parameter source | Type SoundSource |
LevelAccessor.playSound(player as Player?, position as BlockPos, event as SoundEvent, source as SoundSource, volume as float, pitch as float)
Parameter | Type |
Parameter player | Type Player? |
Parameter position | Type BlockPos |
Parameter event | Type SoundEvent |
Parameter source | Type SoundSource |
Parameter volume | Type float |
Parameter pitch | Type float |
Name | Type | Has Getter | Has Setter | Description |
Name difficulty | Type Difficulty | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Gets the difficulty setting for the world. |
Name levelData | Type LevelData | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Gets the data for this level, holds information such as if it is raining, thundering, difficulty, etc |
Name random | Type RandomSource | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description |