Importing the class
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
Implemented Interfaces
IData implements the following interfaces. That means all methods defined in these interfaces are also available in IData
Static Methods
Creates a collection of the given IData members.
This attempts to give the most accurate type for the given members, for example, if all the members are bytes, then it returns a ByteArrayData.
However if the types are mixed or do not have a *ArrayData version, then a ListData is returned.
Returns: A list of the given members.
Return Type: IData
// IData.listOf(members as IData[]) as IData
IData.listOf(1, 2, 3);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter members | Type IData[] | Description The members to put in the list. |
Result Type | Is Implicit |
Result Type boolean | Is Implicit false |
Result Type byte | Is Implicit false |
Result Type byte[] | Is Implicit false |
Result Type double | Is Implicit false |
Result Type float | Is Implicit false |
Result Type IData[string] | Is Implicit false |
Result Type int | Is Implicit false |
Result Type int[] | Is Implicit false |
Result Type long | Is Implicit false |
Result Type long[] | Is Implicit false |
Result Type short | Is Implicit false |
Result Type stdlib.List<IData> | Is Implicit false |
Result Type string | Is Implicit false |
Casts this IData to a boolean.
Returns: this data as a bool
Return Type: boolean
// IData.asBool() as boolean
(1 as IData).asBool();
Casts this IData to a byte.
Returns: this data as a byte
Return Type: byte
// IData.asByte() as byte
(1 as IData).asByte();
Casts this IData to a byte array.
Returns: this data as a byte array
Return Type: byte[]
// IData.asByteArray() as byte[]
(1 as IData).asByteArray();
Casts this IData to a double.
Returns: this data as a double
Return Type: double
// IData.asDouble() as double
(1 as IData).asDouble();
Casts this IData to a float.
Returns: this data as a float
Return Type: float
// IData.asFloat() as float
(1 as IData).asFloat();
Casts this IData to an int.
Returns: this data as an int
Return Type: int
// IData.asInt() as int
(1 as IData).asInt();
Casts this IData to an int array.
Returns: this data as an int array
Return Type: int[]
// IData.asIntArray() as int[]
(1 as IData).asIntArray();
Casts this IData to a list.
Returns: this data as a list
Return Type: stdlib.List<IData>
// IData.asList() as stdlib.List<IData>
(1 as IData).asList();
Casts this IData to a long.
Returns: this data as a long
Return Type: long
// IData.asLong() as long
(1 as IData).asLong();
Casts this IData to a long array.
Returns: this data as a long array
Return Type: long[]
// IData.asLongArray() as long[]
(1 as IData).asLongArray();
Casts this IData to a map.
Returns: this data as a map
Return Type: IData[string]
// IData.asMap() as IData[string]
(1 as IData).asMap();
Casts this IData to a short.
Returns: this data as a short
Return Type: short
// IData.asShort() as short
(1 as IData).asShort();
Gets an escaped string version of this IData, quotes are included in the output
E.G println(("hello" as IData).asString())
prints "hello"
Returns: The escaped string version of this IData.
Return Type: string
// IData.asString() as string
(1 as IData).asString();
Compares this IData to the other IData
Returns: The comparison result.
Return Type: int
// IData.compareTo(other as IData) as int
(1 as IData).compareTo(5);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter other | Type IData | Description the data to be compared. |
Return Type: IData
// IData.copy() as IData
(1 as IData).copy();
Gets the literal string version of this IData.
E.G println(("hello" as IData).getAsString())
prints hello
Returns: The literal string version of this IData.
Return Type: string
// IData.getAsString() as string
(1 as IData).getAsString();
Gets the internal ID of this data.
Returns: the intenral ID of this data.
Return Type: byte
// IData.getId() as byte
(1 as IData).getId();
Gets the keys of this IData
Returns: The keys of this IData.
Return Type: Set<string>
// IData.getKeys() as Set<string>
(1 as IData).getKeys();
Checks if this data is empty.
Returns: True if empty.
Return Type: boolean
// IData.isEmpty() as boolean
(1 as IData).isEmpty();
Gets the length of this IData.
Returns: The length of this IData.
Return Type: int
// IData.length() as int
(1 as IData).length();
Maps this IData to another IData based on the given operation.
Returns: A new IData from the operation
Return Type: IData
// as Function<IData,IData>) as IData
(1 as IData).map((data) => 3);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter operation | Type Function<IData,IData> | Description The operation to apply to this IData |
Puts the given value inside this IData at the given index.
// IData.put(index as string, value as IData?)
new MapData().put("key", "value");
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter index | Type string | Description The key to store the data at |
Parameter value | Type IData? | Description The data to store. |
Removes the stored data at the given index.
// IData.remove(index as int)
[1, 2, 3] as IData.remove(0);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter index | Type int | Description The index to remove. |
Removes the stored data at the given key.
// IData.remove(key as string)
{key: "value"} as IData.remove("key");
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter key | Type string | Description The key to remove. |
Sets the given value inside this IData at the given index.
IData.setAt(name as string, data as IData?)
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter name | Type string | Description The key to store the data at |
Parameter data | Type IData? | Description The data to store. |
Adds the given IData to this IData.
myIData + other as IData(1 as IData) + 2
Applies a bitwise AND (&) operation to this IData and the other IData
myIData & other as IData(1 as IData) & 2
Concatenates the given IData to this IData.
myIData ~ other as IData(1 as IData) ~ 2
Compares this IData to the other IData
myIData < other as IData(1 as IData) < 5
Checks if this IData contains the other IData
For most data types, this will check equality of the data, but for map data, it will check if the other data is a string, and then check if it contains a key with that name
other as IData in myIData
Divides the given IData from this IData.
myIData / other as IData(1 as IData) / 2
Checks if this IData is equal to the other IData.
myIData == other as IData
Gets the data at the given index.
[myIData][[1, 2, 3] as IData]
Puts the given value inside this IData at the given index.
[myIData] = index as string[new MapData()] = "key"
Applies a modulo operation to this IData against the other IData.
myIData % other as IData(1 as IData) % 2
Multiplies the given IData to this IData.
myIData * other as IData(1 as IData) * 2
Negates this IData.
-myIData-(1 as IData)
Applies a NOT (!) operation to this IData.
Applies a bitwise OR (|) operation to this IData and the other IData
myIData | other as IData(1 as IData) | 2
Applies a SHL (<<) operation to this data by the other data
myIData << other as IData(1 as IData) << 2
Applies a SHR (>>) operation to this data by the other data
myIData >> other as IData(1 as IData) >> 2
Subtracts the given IData from this IData.
myIData - other as IData(1 as IData) - 2
Applies a bitwise XOR (^) operation to this IData and the other IData
myIData ^ other as IData(1 as IData) ^ 2
Name | Type | Has Getter | Has Setter | Description |
Name isEmpty | Type boolean | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Checks if this data is empty. |
Name keys | Type Set<string> | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Gets the keys of this IData |
Name length | Type int | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Gets the length of this IData. |