The following handlers are supported:
Each of these handlers can have recipes added or removed:
Parameters with '@Optional' are optional and can be left out //Blocks////LocalizedNameString, UnlocalizedNameString, MaterialNameString, TextureNameString, @Optional CreativeTabString, renderType , @Optional IItemStackArrayDrops, @Optional Unbreakable, @Optional DoubleHardness, @Optional FloatLightLevel, @Optional IntLightOpacitymods.content.Block.registerBlock("Content", "content_block", "rock", "content_block", "misc", 1, [<minecraft:dirt>, <minecraft:diamond>], false, 0.5f, 0.8f, 2); //Items//LocalizedNameString, UnlocalizedNameString, TextureNameString, CreativeTabString, MaxDamage, MaxStackSize, ToolTypeString, ToolLevel, isFull3D, LoreArrayStringmods.content.Item.registerItem("Content", "content", "content_item", "misc', 50, 1, "pickaxe", 2, true, ["I am the tooltip text", "I am also!"]);
Prints are stored in the minetweaker log in the minecraft directory.
/mt [] - Outputs a list of /