Fluid Support

Handlers Supported

The following handlers are supported:

  • Fluids
Parameters with '@Optional' are optional and can be left out
//String unlocalizedName, int density, boolean gaseous, int luminosity, int temperature, int viscosity, int color,boolean setFire, '@Optional int castingMaterialID, '@Optional String stillTexture, '@Optional String flowingTexture
mods.content.Fluid.registerFluid("content", 5,false,1,300,20,3914239, true, 50, "content_still", "content_flowing"
For fluids, you can add a texture, if you don't add the texture, it is the default texture, You put the texture in "/config/contenttweaker/icons/blocks/"

Commands Supported Prints are stored in the minetweaker log in the minecraft directory.

/mt [] - Outputs a list of /