This allows you to add fluids to the game!
Create the Fluid Representation
Before you can add the fluid, you need to create a Fluid Representation which will allow you to set the properties of the fluid you want to add.
This is where the VanillaFactory comes in:
mods.contenttweaker.VanillaFactory.createFluid(String unlocalizedName, int color);mods.contenttweaker.VanillaFactory.createFluid(String unlocalizedName, CTColor color);
Import the representation Package
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues, so better be safe than sorry and add the import.
import mods.contenttweaker.Fluid;
To get/set the properties you can either use the respecting ZenGetters/Setters or the ZenMethods:
//property name: density//ZenGetterprint(fluid.density);//ZenSetterfluid.density = 500;//ZenMethodsfluid.getDensity();fluid.setDensity(1000);
Property Name | Type | Required | Default Value | Description/Notes |
Property Name unlocalizedName | Type string | Required Yes | Default Value | Description/Notes Name, should be all lowercase |
Property Name density | Type int | Required No | Default Value 1000 | Description/Notes How fast you can walk in the fluid |
Property Name gaseous | Type boolean | Required No | Default Value false | Description/Notes Is the fluid gaseous (flows upwards instead of downwards)? |
Property Name luminosity | Type int | Required No | Default Value 0 | Description/Notes The light-level emitted by the fluid |
Property Name temperature | Type int | Required No | Default Value 300 | Description/Notes The Fluid’s temperature |
Property Name color | Type int | Required Yes | Default Value | Description/Notes The Fluid’s color-code |
Property Name colorize | Type boolean | Required No | Default Value true | Description/Notes Is the fluid’s color-code applied? |
Property Name rarity | Type string | Required No | Default Value COMMON | Description/Notes How rare a fluid is, determines ToolTip color (“COMMON”, “UNCOMMON”, “RARE”, “EPIC”) |
Property Name viscosity | Type int | Required No | Default Value 1000 | Description/Notes How quickly the fluid spreads |
Property Name fillSound | Type ISoundEventDefinition | Required No | Default Value ITEM_BUCKET_FILL | Description/Notes The sound played when the fluid is picked up with a Bucket |
Property Name emptySound | Type ISoundEventDefinition | Required No | Default Value ITEM_BUCKET_EMPTY | Description/Notes The sound played when the fluid is placed |
Property Name vaporize | Type boolean | Required No | Default Value false | Description/Notes Does vaporize when placed in the Nether? |
Property Name stillLocation | Type string | Required No | Default Value contenttweaker/fluid | Description/Notes The Location where to find the texture for the still fluid |
Property Name flowingLocation | Type string | Required No | Default Value contenttweaker/fluid_flow | Description/Notes The Location where to find the texture for the flowing fluid |
Property Name material | Type IMaterialDefinition | Required No | Default Value WATER | Description/Notes The Material the fluid is made of |
Registering the fluid
You need to call this method to register the fluid in the game!
Otherwise nothing will happen!
After you have called this function, you cannot un-register the fluid or change any of it’s properties!
Example Script
#loader contenttweakerimport mods.contenttweaker.VanillaFactory;import mods.contenttweaker.Fluid;import mods.contenttweaker.Color;
var zsFluid = VanillaFactory.createFluid("zs_fluid", Color.fromHex("FF69B4"));zsFluid.fillSound = <soundevent:block.anvil.place>;zsFluid.register();
Localizing the fluid
You will need to add fluid.fluidName = Localized Name
to the responding language files.
Alternatively, you could use CraftTweaker’s localization feature, though it’s recommended using the language files!