Food Items
This allows you to add food items to the game!
Create the Food Item Representation
Before you can add the item, you need to create a food item Representation which will allow you to set the properties of the item you want to add.
This is where the VanillaFactory comes in:
mods.contenttweaker.VanillaFactory.createItemFood(String unlocalizedName, int healAmount);
Import the representation Package
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues, so better be safe than sorry and add the import.
import mods.contenttweaker.ItemFood;
ItemRepresentation Expansion
The ItemFoodRepresentation class expands ItemRepresentation. That means all Methods and ZenProperties that are available for Items are also available for food items!
To get/set the properties you can either use the respecting ZenGetters/Setters or the ZenMethods:
//property name: healAmount//ZenGetterprint(item.healAmount);//ZenSetteritem.healAmount = 16;//ZenMethodsitem.getHealAmount();item.setHealAmount(64);
Property | Type | Required | Default Value | Description/Notes |
Property healAmount | Type int | Required Yes | Default Value | Description/Notes How many food points are restored when eaten? |
Property alwaysEdible | Type bool | Required No | Default Value false | Description/Notes Can the food still be eaten if the user’s food bar is full? |
Property wolfFood | Type bool | Required No | Default Value false | Description/Notes Can the food be used to tame woves? |
Property saturation | Type float | Required No | Default Value 0.6 | Description/Notes The food’s Saturation Value |
Property onItemFoodEaten | Type IItemFoodEaten | Required No | Default Value null | Description/Notes Called when the food item is eaten |
Registering the item
You need to call this method to register the item in the game!
Otherwise nothing will happen!
After you have called this function, you cannot un-register the item or change any of it’s properties!