Enchantment Builder
Using this package you can create custom enchantments for tools, weapons and probably everything else.
Importing the class
It might be required for you to import the class if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import.
import mods.contenttweaker.enchantments.EnchantmentBuilder;
Creating an Enchant
First and foremost you will need to create a Material Builder.
This can be done using the static create method.
//mods.contenttweaker.enchantments.EnchantmentBuilder.create(String name);val myChant = mods.contenttweaker.enchantments.EnchantmentBuilder.create("kindlich_chant");
Remember, that you will need to register the enchantment after you’ve done your changes.
This can be done with the register
method which will return a IEnchantmentDefinition of the new enchantment.
You can set and get these properties using myChant.name
name | Type |
name name | Type string |
name allowedOnBooks | Type bool |
name applicableSlots | Type IEntityEquipmentSlot[] (default: empty) |
name curse | Type bool |
name domain | Type string (default: “contenttweaker”) |
name maxLevel | Type int (default: 1) |
name minLevel | Type int (default: 1) |
name rarity | Type string (use the custom methods below) |
name treasure | Type bool |
name type | Type string (use the custom methods below) |
Calculated Properties
You can set and get these properties functions.
name | parameters | Return Type |
name canApply | parameters IEnchantmentDefinition thisEnchantment, IItemStack item | Return Type bool |
name canApplyAtEnchantmentTable | parameters IEnchantmentDefinition thisEnchantment, IItemStack item | Return Type bool |
name canApplyTogether | parameters IEnchantmentDefinition thisEnchantment, IEnchantmentDefinition other | Return Type bool |
name calcDamageByCreature | parameters IEnchantmentDefinition thisEnchantment, int level, String creatureType | Return Type float |
name calcEnchantabilityMin | parameters IEnchantmentDefinition thisEnchantment, int level | Return Type int |
name calcEnchantabilityMax | parameters IEnchantmentDefinition thisEnchantment, int level | Return Type int |
name calcModifierDamage | parameters IEnchantmentDefinition thisEnchantment, int level, IDamageSource damageSource | Return Type int |
name calcTranslatedName | parameters IEnchantmentDefinition thisEnchantment, int level | Return Type string |
name | parameters | Return Type |
name onEntityDamaged | parameters IEnchantmentDefinition thisEnchantment, IEntityLivingBase user, IEntity target, int level | Return Type void |
name onUserHurt | parameters IEnchantmentDefinition thisEnchantment, IEntityLivingBase user, IEntity attacker, int level | Return Type void |
Rarity and Type
Use these methods to be instantly notified if you made a typo.
#loader contenttweakerval builder = mods.contenttweaker.enchantments.EnchantmentBuilder.create("kindlich_chant");builder.applicableSlots = [mainHand, offhand, feet, legs, chest, head];builder.setTypeAll();builder.setRarityVeryRare();builder.calcModifierDamage = function(thisEnch, level, damageSource){ return level;};
builder.onUserHurt = function(thisEnch, entity, attacker, level) { entity.health = entity.maxHealth; if(entity instanceof crafttweaker.player.IPlayer) { val player as crafttweaker.player.IPlayer = entity; player.foodStats.addStats(100, 10.0f); }
builder.name = "other_chant";builder.domain = "definitely_not_cot";builder.calcModifierDamage = null;builder.onUserHurt = function(thisEnch, player, attacker, level) { player.sendMessage("EARNED IT!");};builder.register();