This page relates to Immersive Intelligence, which has built-in support!
Ammunition Workshop
The AmmunitionWorkshop
package can be used to modify the Immersive Intelligence Ammunition Workshop recipes.
Take note it is not limited to producing ammunition and can be used for any generic recipe involving 2 items.
Importing the Package
import mods.immersiveintelligence.AmmunitionWorkshop;
Adding Recipes
Type | Name | Required |
Type IIngredient | Name Core Input | Required Yes |
Type IIngredient | Name Casing Input | Required Yes |
Type IAmmunitionWorkshopFunction | Name Output Function | Required Yes |
Type int | Name Energy | Required Yes |
Type int | Name Time | Required Yes |
mods.immersiveintelligence.AmmunitionWorkshop.addRecipe(IIngredient coreInput, IIngredient casingInput, IAmmunitionWorkshopFunction fun, int energy, int time);
IAmmunitionWorkshopFunction is a function used to determine the output item of a recipe based on its ingredients.
For example, It can be used to get the core NBT tag or merge the core and casing’s NBT tags.
Type | Name |
Type IItemStack | Name Core Input |
Type IItemStack | Name Casing Input |
Returns: IItemStack
mods.immersiveintelligence.AmmunitionWorkshop.addRecipe(<minecraft:diamond>, <ore:ingotIron>, function(inputCore,inputCasing) { return <minecraft:iron_ingot>.withTag(inputCore.tag); },2000, 200);
Removing Recipes
Type | Name | Required |
Type IItemStack | Name Core Input | Required Yes |
mods.immersiveintelligence.AmmunitionWorkshop.removeRecipe(IItemStack input);