This page relates to Immersive Intelligence, which has built-in support!
Chemical Painter
The ChemicalPainter
package can be used to modify the Immersive Intelligence Chemical Painter recipes.
Importing the Package
import mods.immersiveintelligence.ChemicalPainter;
Adding Recipes
Type | Name | Required |
Type IIngredient | Name Item Input | Required Yes |
Type IItemStack | Name Item Output | Required Yes |
Type int | Name Paint Amount | Required Yes |
Type int | Name Energy | Required Yes |
Type int | Name Time | Required Yes |
Paint amount is the total amount of ink in mB used for a single process.
Amounts of specific ink are based on their percentage in the CMYK
color model.
mods.immersiveintelligence.ChemicalPainter.addRecipe(IIngredient itemInput, IChemicalPainterFunction function, int paintAmount, int energy, int time);
IChemicalPainterFunction is a function used to determine the output item of a recipe based on the stack and selected
paint color.
For example, it can be used to get the core NBT tag or merge the core and casing’s NBT tags.
Type | Name |
Type IItemStack | Name Input |
Type int | Name RGB Int Color |
Type int | Name Vanilla Color |
The Vanilla Color is a number 0-15 and represents a dye color based on damage value.
Returns: IItemStack
mods.immersiveintelligence.ChemicalPainter.addRecipe( <ore:ingotIron>, function(input, color, baseColor) { val nbt as IData = {key1 : color}; return input.withTag(input.tag+nbt); }, 100, 2000, 200);
Adding Washing Recipes
Washing recipes are functionally the same as regular recipes, but are placed in a different category in JEI.
Type | Name | Required |
Type IIngredient | Name Item Input | Required Yes |
Type IItemStack | Name Item Output | Required Yes |
Type ILiquidStack | Name Fluid Input | Required Yes |
Type int | Name Energy | Required Yes |
Type int | Name Time | Required Yes |
mods.immersiveintelligence.ChemicalPainter.addWashingRecipe(IIngredient itemInput, IItemStack itemOutput, ILiquidStack fluidInput, int energy, int time);
mods.immersiveintelligence.ChemicalPainter.addWashingRecipe(<ore:ingotIron>, <minecraft:diamond>, <liquid:water>, 2000, 200);
Removing Recipes
Type | Name | Required |
Type IItemStack | Name Output | Required Yes |
mods.immersiveintelligence.ChemicalPainter.removeRecipe(IItemStack output);