A Tinkers’ Construct IMaterial (not to be confused with ContentTweaker’s IMaterial) is what a Tinker’s construct tool can be made of.
Importing the package
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues, so better be safe than sorry and add the import.
import modtweaker.tconstruct.ITICMaterial;
Retrieving such an object
You can retrieve an ITICMaterial object using the ITICMaterial Bracket Handler:
val stone = <ticmat:stone>;
You can get/set the following fields:
ZenGetter | ZenSetter | Return/Setter Type | Description |
ZenGetter getName | ZenSetter | Return/Setter Type string | Description The material’s name |
ZenGetter definition | ZenSetter | Return/Setter Type IMaterialDefinition | Description The material’s definition |
ZenGetter durabilityHead | ZenSetter durabilityHead | Return/Setter Type int | Description A toolhead made from this material has this durability |
ZenGetter miningSpeedHead | ZenSetter miningSpeedHead | Return/Setter Type float | Description A toolhead made from this material has this mining speed |
ZenGetter attackHead | ZenSetter attackHead | Return/Setter Type float | Description A toolhead made from this material has this attack damage |
ZenGetter harvestLevelHead | ZenSetter harvestLevelHead | Return/Setter Type int | Description A toolhead made from this material has this harvest level |
ZenGetter durabilityHandle | ZenSetter durabilityHandle | Return/Setter Type int | Description A toolhandle made from this material has this durability |
ZenGetter modifierHandle | ZenSetter modifierHandle | Return/Setter Type float | Description A toolhandle made from this material has this durability modifier |
ZenGetter durabilityExtra | ZenSetter durabilityExtra | Return/Setter Type int | Description Extra toolparts made from this material have this base durability |
ZenGetter arrowModifier | ZenSetter arrowModifier | Return/Setter Type float | Description Arrows made from this material have this durability modifier |
ZenGetter arrowBonusAmmo | ZenSetter arrowBonusAmmo | Return/Setter Type int | Description Arrows made from this material have this additional ammunition |
ZenGetter fletchingModifier | ZenSetter fletchingModifier | Return/Setter Type float | Description Fletchings made from this material have this durability modifier |
ZenGetter fletchingAccuracy | ZenSetter fletchingAccuracy | Return/Setter Type float | Description Fletchings made from this material provide this accuracy |
ZenGetter bowDrawSpeed | ZenSetter bowDrawSpeed | Return/Setter Type float | Description Bows made from this material have this draw speed |
ZenGetter bowRange | ZenSetter bowRange | Return/Setter Type float | Description Bows made from this material have this range |
ZenGetter bonusDamage | ZenSetter bonusDamage | Return/Setter Type float | Description Bows made from this material have this additional damage |
ZenGetter bowStringModifier | ZenSetter bowStringModifier | Return/Setter Type float | Description Bow strings made from this material have this durability modifier |
boolean matches(ITICMaterial other);
→ returns if the given material is equal toother
boolean hasStats(string statName);
→ returns if the material has the stat namedstatName
boolean hasHeadStats();
→ returns if the material has head statsboolean hasHandleStats();
→ returns if the material has handle statsboolean hasExtraStats();
→ returns if the material has extra statsboolean hasArrowStats();
→ returns if the material has arrow statsboolean hasFletchingStats();
→ returns if the material has fletching statsboolean hasBowStats();
→ returns if the material has bow statsboolean hasBowStringStats();
→ returns if the material has bow string stats