The ICraftingInventory contains all kinds of information on the inventory a crafting process is performed in.
Importing the class
It might be required to import the class to avoid errors.
import crafttweaker.recipes.ICraftingInventory
ZenGetter | Return type | Description |
ZenGetter player | Return type IPlayer | Description the player owning this inventory |
ZenGetter size | Return type int | Description the inventory’s size |
ZenGetter width | Return type int | Description the inventory’s width |
ZenGetter height | Return type int | Description the inventory’s height |
ZenGetter stackCount | Return type int | Description the the number of stacks that are actually filled in |
ZenGetter items | Return type IItemStack[][] | Description The items that present in the crafting table |
ZenGetter itemArray | Return type IItemStack[] | Description The items that present in the crafting table |
Following Methods are available:
returns the IItemStack at the given index or null if no item present. Index is an int.
inventory.setStack(index, item)
sets the Stack at the given index to the provided item. Index is an int, item is an IItemStack. Use null if you want to clear the stack at that index.
The top left stack is position (0, 0), row and column are ints.
inventory.getStack(row, column)
returns the IItemStack at the given position or null if no item present.
inventory.setStack(row, column, item)
sets the stack at the given position to the provided item. Item is an IItemStack. Use null if you want to clear the stack at that position.