When a player is looking or clicking at something, they fire a ray that goes until it hits what it needs to hit, or misses.
The result of such a hit is an IRayTraceResult object.
Importing the class
It might be required to import the class to avoid errors.
All you can do is retrieve information from these objects, here’s which:
Be careful though, since all getters that do not return a bool can return null
name | type |
name isMiss | type bool |
name isBlock | type bool |
name blockPos | type IBlockPos |
name sideHit | type IFacing |
Deprecated ZenGetters
These getters won’t actually return anything useful because there isn’t a reliable way to raytrace blocks and entities.
name | type | return value |
name isEntity | type bool | return value always false |
name entity | type IEntity | return value always null |