The World Provider interface is used to get even more information out of an IWorld object.
Importing the package
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues, so better be safe than sorry and add the import.
import crafttweaker.world.IWorldProvider;
Create a worldProvider
Normally, you can just get the worldProvider from an IWorld object or some functions, though if yo need to create one yourself, here’s how you do it:
Note that this method should only be called inside functions that are meant to be run inside minecraft, not during the loading circle.
crafttweaker.world.IWorldProvider.getFromID(int id);
ZenMethods without parameters and ZenGetters
ZenGetter | ZenMethod | Return Type |
ZenGetter actualHeight | ZenMethod getActualHeight() | Return Type int |
ZenGetter actualGroundLevel | ZenMethod getAverageGroundLevel() | Return Type int |
ZenGetter cloudHeight | ZenMethod getCloudHeight() | Return Type float |
ZenGetter currentMoonPhaseFactor | ZenMethod getCurrentMoonPhaseFactor() | Return Type float |
ZenGetter dimensionID | ZenMethod getDimensionID() | Return Type int |
ZenGetter height | ZenMethod getHeight() | Return Type int |
ZenGetter horizon | ZenMethod getHorizon() | Return Type double |
ZenGetter lightBrightnesTable | ZenMethod getLightBrightnesTable() | Return Type float[] |
ZenGetter movementFactor | ZenMethod getMovementFactor() | Return Type double |
ZenGetter randomizedSpawnPoint | ZenMethod getRandomizedSpawnPoint() | Return Type IBlockPos |
ZenGetter saveFolder | ZenMethod getSaveFolder() | Return Type string |
ZenGetter seed | ZenMethod getSeed() | Return Type long |
ZenGetter spawnCoordinate | ZenMethod getSpawnCoordinate() | Return Type IBlockPos |
ZenGetter spawnPoint | ZenMethod getSpawnPoint() | Return Type IBlockPos |
ZenGetter voidFogYFactor | ZenMethod getVoidFogYFactor() | Return Type double |
ZenGetter worldTime | ZenMethod getWorldTime() | Return Type long |
ZenGetter canRespawnHere | ZenMethod canRespawnHere() | Return Type bool |
ZenGetter waterVaporize | ZenMethod doesWaterVaporize() | Return Type bool |
ZenGetter skylight | ZenMethod hasSkyLight() | Return Type bool |
ZenGetter daytime | ZenMethod isDaytime() | Return Type bool |
ZenGetter nether | ZenMethod isNether() | Return Type bool |
ZenGetter skyColored | ZenMethod isSkyColored() | Return Type bool |
ZenGetter surfaceWorld | ZenMethod isSurfaceWorld() | Return Type bool |
ZenMethods with parameters
get Biome at a certain Position
Use either an IBlockPos object.
Returns an IBiome Object.
worldProvObj.getBiome(IBlockPos position);
get MoonPhase for a specific time
Use a long.
Returns an int.
worldProvObj.getMoonPhase(long time);
get Respawn Dimension for a specific player
Use an IPlayer object.
Returns a new IWorldProvider object.
worldProvObj.getRespawnDimension(IPlayer player);
get Brightnes (factor) at a specific
Use a float.
Returns a float.
worldProvObj.getStarBrightness(float something);worldProvObj.getSunBrightness(float something);worldProvObj.getSunBrightnessFactor(float something);
Check if a block has a high humidity
Use an IBlockPos object.
Returns a boolean.
worldProvObj.isBlockHighHumidity(IBlockPos pos);