A Vector3d object is a vector that uses three doubles for the directions.
They have several utility methods and getters.
Importing the class
It might be required to import the class to avoid errors.
import crafttweaker.world.IVector3d
Creating a new IVector3d object
If you ever find yourself in the need of creating a new IVector3d object, you can use this method:
//crafttweaker.world.IVector3d.create(double x, double y, double z);crafttweaker.world.IVector3d.create(0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D);
ZenGetter | Type |
ZenGetter x | Type double |
ZenGetter y | Type double |
ZenGetter z | Type double |
ZenGetter normalized | Type IVector3d |
- double dotProduct(IVector3d other);
- IVector3d crossProduct(IVector3d other);
- IVector3d subtract(IVector3d other);
- IVector3d subtractReverse(IVector3d other);
- IVector3d add(IVector3d other);
- double distanceTo(IVector3d other);
- IVector3d scale(double factor);