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Generic JSON Recipes
This page relates to Immersive Engineering, which has built-in support!

Immersive Engineering Refinery

The Refinery is a type of IRecipeManager and implements all the methods that are available to IRecipeManager’s, such as removeRecipe() and removeAll().


Add Recipe

The following script will add a recipe to the Refinery that will output 10Mb of Herbicide (Fluid) out of 10Mb of Water (Fluid) and 1Mb of Ethanol and 1000 IF.

// <recipetype:immersiveengineering:refinery>.addRecipe(string recipePath, MCTagWithAmount<MCFluid> fluidInput1, MCTagWithAmount<MCFluid> fluidInput2, int energy, IFluidStack output)
<recipetype:immersiveengineering:refinery>.addRecipe("refine_herbicide", <tag:fluids:minecraft:water> * 10, <tag:fluids:forge:ethanol> * 1, 1000, <fluid:immersiveengineering:herbicide> * 10);

Remove FluidStack Recipes

The following script will remove all recipes from the Refinery that output exactly 16Mb of Biodesiel.

// <recipetype:immersiveengineering:refinery>.removeRecipe(IFluidStack output)
<recipetype:immersiveengineering:refinery>.removeRecipe(<fluid:immersiveengineering:biodiesel> * 16);

Remove Fluid Recipes

The following script will remove all recipes from the Refinery that output any amount of Biodesiel.

// <recipetype:immersiveengineering:refinery>.removeRecipe(MCFluid output)