Importing the class
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
import mods.createtweaker.SequencedAssemblyRecipeBuilder;
Adds an output to the recipe.
Returns: This builder for further chaining.
Return Type: SequencedAssemblyRecipeBuilder
SequencedAssemblyRecipeBuilder.addOutput(output as IItemStack, weight as float) as SequencedAssemblyRecipeBuilder
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter output | Type IItemStack | Description The item output. |
Parameter weight | Type float | Description The weight of the output. |
Adds a step to the recipe.
Returns: This builder for further chaining.
Return Type: SequencedAssemblyRecipeBuilder
SequencedAssemblyRecipeBuilder.addStep<T : ProcessingRecipe>() as SequencedAssemblyRecipeBuilder
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter T | Type ProcessingRecipe | Description The type of recipe to add a step for. |
Adds a step to the recipe.
Returns: This builder for further chaining.
Return Type: SequencedAssemblyRecipeBuilder
SequencedAssemblyRecipeBuilder.addStep<T : ProcessingRecipe>(builder as Function<ProcessingRecipeBuilder<T>,ProcessingRecipeBuilder<T>>) as SequencedAssemblyRecipeBuilder
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter builder | Type Function<ProcessingRecipeBuilder<T>,ProcessingRecipeBuilder<T>> | Description The recipe builder to allow configuration of the recipe. |
Parameter T | Type ProcessingRecipe | Description The type of recipe to add a step for. |
Sets the amount of loops the recipe has.
Returns: This builder for further chaining.
Return Type: SequencedAssemblyRecipeBuilder
SequencedAssemblyRecipeBuilder.loops(loops as int) as SequencedAssemblyRecipeBuilder
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter loops | Type int | Description The amount of loops the recipe has. |
Sets that the recipe requires the given ingredient.
Returns: This builder for further chaining.
Return Type: SequencedAssemblyRecipeBuilder
SequencedAssemblyRecipeBuilder.require(ingredient as IIngredient) as SequencedAssemblyRecipeBuilder
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter ingredient | Type IIngredient | Description The ingredient to require. |
Sets the transition item of the sequence.
Returns: This builder for further chaining.
Return Type: SequencedAssemblyRecipeBuilder
SequencedAssemblyRecipeBuilder.transitionTo(item as ItemDefinition) as SequencedAssemblyRecipeBuilder
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter item | Type ItemDefinition | Description The item to transition to. |