Importing the class
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
import crafttweaker.api.item.IItemStack;
Implemented Interfaces
IItemStack implements the following interfaces. That means all methods defined in these interfaces are also available in IItemStack
Static Properties
Name | Type | Has Getter | Has Setter |
Name BASE_ATTACK_DAMAGE_UUID | Type invalid | Has Getter true | Has Setter false |
Name BASE_ATTACK_SPEED_UUID | Type invalid | Has Getter true | Has Setter false |
Name CRAFTTWEAKER_DATA_KEY | Type string | Has Getter true | Has Setter false |
Result Type | Is Implicit |
Result Type IIngredientWithAmount | Is Implicit true |
Result Type ItemDefinition | Is Implicit true |
Result Type ItemLike | Is Implicit true |
Result Type ItemStack | Is Implicit true |
Result Type MapData | Is Implicit true |
Result Type Percentaged<IItemStack> | Is Implicit true |
Adds an AttributeModifier to this IIngredient.
Attributes added with this method appear on all ItemStacks that match this IIngredient, regardless of how or when the ItemStack was made, if you want to have the attribute on a single specific ItemStack (such as a specific Diamond Sword made in a recipe), then you should use IItemStack#withAttributeModifier
// IItemStack.addGlobalAttributeModifier(attribute as Attribute, name as string, value as double, operation as AttributeOperation, slotTypes as EquipmentSlot[])
myIItemStack.addGlobalAttributeModifier(<attribute:minecraft:generic.attack_damage>, "Extra Power", 10, AttributeOperation.ADDITION, [<constant:minecraft:equipmentslot:chest>]);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter attribute | Type Attribute | Description The Attribute of the modifier. |
Parameter name | Type string | Description The name of the modifier. |
Parameter value | Type double | Description The value of the modifier. |
Parameter operation | Type AttributeOperation | Description The operation of the modifier. |
Parameter slotTypes | Type EquipmentSlot[] | Description What slots the modifier is valid for. |
Adds an AttributeModifier to this IIngredient using a specific UUID.
The UUID can be used to override an existing attribute on an ItemStack with this new modifier.
You can use /ct hand attributes
to get the UUID of the attributes on an ItemStack.
Attributes added with this method appear on all ItemStacks that match this IIngredient, regardless of how or when the ItemStack was made, if you want to have the attribute on a single specific ItemStack (such as a specific Diamond Sword made in a recipe), then you should use IItemStack#withAttributeModifier
// IItemStack.addGlobalAttributeModifier(attribute as Attribute, uuid as invalid, name as string, value as double, operation as AttributeOperation, slotTypes as EquipmentSlot[])
myIItemStack.addGlobalAttributeModifier(<attribute:minecraft:generic.attack_damage>, IItemStack.BASE_ATTACK_DAMAGE_UUID, "Extra Power", 10, AttributeOperation.ADDITION, [<constant:minecraft:equipmentslot:chest>]);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter attribute | Type Attribute | Description The Attribute of the modifier. |
Parameter uuid | Type invalid | Description The unique identifier of the modifier to replace. |
Parameter name | Type string | Description The name of the modifier. |
Parameter value | Type double | Description The value of the modifier. |
Parameter operation | Type AttributeOperation | Description The operation of the modifier. |
Parameter slotTypes | Type EquipmentSlot[] | Description What slots the modifier is valid for. |
Adds an AttributeModifier to this IIngredient using a specific UUID.
The UUID can be used to override an existing attribute on an ItemStack with this new modifier.
You can use /ct hand attributes
to get the UUID of the attributes on an ItemStack.
Attributes added with this method appear on all ItemStacks that match this IIngredient, regardless of how or when the ItemStack was made, if you want to have the attribute on a single specific ItemStack (such as a specific Diamond Sword made in a recipe), then you should use IItemStack#withAttributeModifier
// IItemStack.addGlobalAttributeModifier(attribute as Attribute, uuid as string, name as string, value as double, operation as AttributeOperation, slotTypes as EquipmentSlot[])
myIItemStack.addGlobalAttributeModifier(<attribute:minecraft:generic.attack_damage>, "8c1b5535-9f79-448b-87ae-52d81480aaa3", "Extra Power", 10, AttributeOperation.ADDITION, [<constant:minecraft:equipmentslot:chest>]);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter attribute | Type Attribute | Description The Attribute of the modifier. |
Parameter uuid | Type string | Description The unique identifier of the modifier to replace. |
Parameter name | Type string | Description The name of the modifier. |
Parameter value | Type double | Description The value of the modifier. |
Parameter operation | Type AttributeOperation | Description The operation of the modifier. |
Parameter slotTypes | Type EquipmentSlot[] | Description What slots the modifier is valid for. |
IItemStack.addTooltip(content as Component)
Parameter | Type |
Parameter content | Type Component |
Return Type: IngredientConditioned<IIngredient>
// IItemStack.anyDamage() as IngredientConditioned<IIngredient>
Return Type: IIngredientWithAmount
// IItemStack.asIIngredientWithAmount() as IIngredientWithAmount
Return Type: IItemStack
// IItemStack.asImmutable() as IItemStack
Return Type: ItemLike
// IItemStack.asItemLike() as ItemLike
Return Type: IItemStack
// IItemStack.asMutable() as IItemStack
IItemStack.clearTooltip(leaveName as boolean)
Parameter | Type | Optional | Default Value |
Parameter leaveName | Type boolean | Optional true | Default Value false |
Does the ingredient contain the given ingredient?
Return Type: boolean
// IItemStack.contains(ingredient as IIngredient) as boolean
myIItemStack.contains((<item:minecraft:iron_ingot> | <item:minecraft:gold_ingot>));
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter ingredient | Type IIngredient | Description The ingredient to check |
Creates a copy
Return Type: IItemStack
// IItemStack.copy() as IItemStack
Gets the Attributes and the AttributeModifiers on this IItemStack for the given EquipmentSlot
Returns: A Map of Attribute to a List of AttributeModifier for the given EquipmentSlot.
Return Type: stdlib.List<AttributeModifier>[Attribute]
// IItemStack.getAttributes(slotType as EquipmentSlot) as stdlib.List<AttributeModifier>[Attribute]
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter slotType | Type EquipmentSlot | Description The slot to get the Attributes for. |
Return Type: ItemDefinition
// IItemStack.getDefinition() as ItemDefinition
Gets the level of the given enchantment on the item. Returns 0 if the item doesn’t have the given enchantment.
Return Type: int
IItemStack.getEnchantmentLevel(enchantment as Enchantment) as int
Parameter | Type |
Parameter enchantment | Type Enchantment |
Return Type: int?[Enchantment]
// IItemStack.getEnchantments() as int?[Enchantment]
Return Type: FoodProperties?
// IItemStack.getFood() as FoodProperties?
Gets the hover name of the ItemStack.
This will give the raw name without the formatting that ‘displayName’ applies.
Returns: The hover name of the ItemStack.
Return Type: Component
// IItemStack.getHoverName() as Component
Return Type: ItemStack
// IItemStack.getImmutableInternal() as ItemStack
Returns the max stack size of the Item in the ItemStack
Returns: Max stack size of the Item.
Return Type: int
// IItemStack.getMaxStackSize() as int
Returns the NBT tag attached to this ItemStack or makes a new tag.
Returns: MapData of the ItemStack NBT Tag, empty tag if it doesn’t exist.
Return Type: IData
// IItemStack.getOrCreateTag() as IData
Returns the rarity of the Item in the ItemStack
Returns: Rarity of the Item.
Return Type: Rarity
// IItemStack.getRarity() as Rarity
When this ingredient stack is crafted, what will remain in the grid? Does not check if the stack matches though! Used e.g. in Crafting Table recipes.
Return Type: IItemStack
// IItemStack.getRemainingItem(stack as IItemStack) as IItemStack
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter stack | Type IItemStack | Description The stack to provide for this ingredient. |
Grows this IItemStack’s stack size by the given amount, or 1 if no amount is given.
Returns: This IItemStack if mutable, a new one with the new amount otherwise.
Return Type: IItemStack
// IItemStack.grow(amount as int) as IItemStack
Parameter | Type | Description | Optional | Default Value |
Parameter amount | Type int | Description The amount to grow by. | Optional true | Default Value 1 |
Return Type: boolean
// IItemStack.isEdible() as boolean
Checks if this IItemStack burns when thrown into fire / lava or damaged by fire.
Returns: True if this IItemStack is immune to fire. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
// IItemStack.isFireResistant() as boolean
Return Type: boolean
// IItemStack.isImmutable() as boolean
Return Type: boolean
// IItemStack.isMutable() as boolean
Does the given stack match the ingredient?
Return Type: boolean
// IItemStack.matches(stack as IItemStack) as boolean
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter stack | Type IItemStack | Description The stack to check |
IItemStack.modifyShiftTooltip(shiftedFunction as ITooltipFunction, unshiftedFunction as ITooltipFunction)
Parameter | Type | Optional |
Parameter shiftedFunction | Type ITooltipFunction | Optional false |
Parameter unshiftedFunction | Type ITooltipFunction | Optional true |
IItemStack.modifyTooltip(function as ITooltipFunction)
Parameter | Type |
Parameter function | Type ITooltipFunction |
Use this in contexts where machines accept more than one item to state that fact.
Return Type: IIngredientWithAmount
IItemStack.mul(amount as int) as IIngredientWithAmount
Parameter | Type |
Parameter amount | Type int |
Use this if you already have the condition from another ingredient
Return Type: IngredientConditioned<IIngredient>
IItemStack.only(condition as IIngredientCondition<IIngredient>) as IngredientConditioned<IIngredient>
Parameter | Type |
Parameter condition | Type IIngredientCondition<IIngredient> |
Return Type: IngredientConditioned<IIngredient>
// IItemStack.onlyDamaged() as IngredientConditioned<IIngredient>
Return Type: IngredientConditioned<IIngredient>
IItemStack.onlyDamagedAtLeast(minDamage as int) as IngredientConditioned<IIngredient>
Parameter | Type |
Parameter minDamage | Type int |
Return Type: IngredientConditioned<IIngredient>
IItemStack.onlyDamagedAtMost(maxDamage as int) as IngredientConditioned<IIngredient>
Parameter | Type |
Parameter maxDamage | Type int |
Return Type: IngredientConditioned<IIngredient>
IItemStack.onlyIf(uid as string, function as Predicate<IItemStack>) as IngredientConditioned<IIngredient>
Parameter | Type | Optional |
Parameter uid | Type string | Optional false |
Parameter function | Type Predicate<IItemStack> | Optional true |
Return Type: Percentaged<IItemStack>
IItemStack.percent(percentage as double) as Percentaged<IItemStack>
Parameter | Type |
Parameter percentage | Type double |
Removes the given enchantment from this IItemStack.
Returns: This itemStack if it is mutable, a new one with the enchantment removed otherwise
Return Type: IItemStack
// IItemStack.removeEnchantment(enchantment as Enchantment) as IItemStack
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter enchantment | Type Enchantment | Description The enchantment to remove. |
Removes all AttributeModifiers that use the given Attribute from this IIngredient.
Attributes removed with this method are removed from ItemStacks that match this IIngredient, regardless of how or when the ItemStack was made, if you want to remove the attribute on a single specific ItemStack (such as a specific Diamond Sword made in a recipe), then you should use IItemStack#withoutAttribute.
This method can only remove default Attributes from an ItemStack, it is still possible that an ItemStack can override it.
// IItemStack.removeGlobalAttribute(attribute as Attribute, slotTypes as EquipmentSlot[])
myIItemStack.removeGlobalAttribute(<attribute:minecraft:generic.attack_damage>, [<constant:minecraft:equipmentslot:chest>]);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter attribute | Type Attribute | Description The attribute to remove. |
Parameter slotTypes | Type EquipmentSlot[] | Description The slot types to remove it from. |
Removes all AttributeModifiers who’s ID is the same as the given uuid from this IIngredient.
// IItemStack.removeGlobalAttributeModifier(uuid as invalid, slotTypes as EquipmentSlot[])
myIItemStack.removeGlobalAttributeModifier(IItemStack.BASE_ATTACK_DAMAGE_UUID, [<constant:minecraft:equipmentslot:chest>]);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter uuid | Type invalid | Description The unique id of the AttributeModifier to remove. |
Parameter slotTypes | Type EquipmentSlot[] | Description The slot types to remove it from. |
Removes all AttributeModifiers who’s ID is the same as the given uuid from this IIngredient.
// IItemStack.removeGlobalAttributeModifier(uuid as string, slotTypes as EquipmentSlot[])
myIItemStack.removeGlobalAttributeModifier("8c1b5535-9f79-448b-87ae-52d81480aaa3", [<constant:minecraft:equipmentslot:chest>]);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter uuid | Type string | Description The unique id of the AttributeModifier to remove. |
Parameter slotTypes | Type EquipmentSlot[] | Description The slot types to remove it from. |
IItemStack.removeTooltip(regex as string)
Parameter | Type |
Parameter regex | Type string |
Clears any custom name set for this ItemStack
// IItemStack.resetHoverName()
Return Type: IIngredientTransformed<IIngredient>
// IItemStack.reuse() as IIngredientTransformed<IIngredient>
Sets the burn time of this ingredient, for use in the furnace and other machines
// IItemStack.setBurnTime(time as int)
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter time | Type int | Description the new burn time |
Sets the enchantments on this IItemStack.
Returns: This itemStack if it is mutable, a new one with the enchantments otherwise
Return Type: IItemStack
IItemStack.setEnchantments(enchantments as int?[Enchantment]) as IItemStack
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter enchantments | Type int?[Enchantment] | Description The new enchantments |
Sets if this IItemStack is immune to fire / lava.
If true, the item will not burn when thrown into fire or lava.
IItemStack.setFireResistant(fireResistant as boolean)
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter fireResistant | Type boolean | Description Should the item be immune to fire. |
IItemStack.setFood(food as FoodProperties?)
Parameter | Type |
Parameter food | Type FoodProperties? |
Sets the max stacksize of the Item.
// IItemStack.setMaxStackSize(newMaxStackSize as int)
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter newMaxStackSize | Type int | Description The new max stack size of the Item. |
Sets the rarity of the Item.
// IItemStack.setRarity(newRarity as Rarity)
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter newRarity | Type Rarity | Description The new rarity of the Item. |
Shrinks this IItemStack’s stack size by the given amount, or 1 if no amount is given.
Returns: This IItemStack if mutable, a new one with the new amount otherwise.
Return Type: IItemStack
// IItemStack.shrink(amount as int) as IItemStack
Parameter | Type | Description | Optional | Default Value |
Parameter amount | Type int | Description The amount to shrink by. | Optional true | Default Value 1 |
Use this if you already have the transformer from another ingredient
Return Type: IIngredientTransformed<IIngredient>
IItemStack.transform(transformer as IIngredientTransformer<IIngredient>) as IIngredientTransformed<IIngredient>
Parameter | Type |
Parameter transformer | Type IIngredientTransformer<IIngredient> |
Return Type: IIngredientTransformed<IIngredient>
IItemStack.transformCustom(uid as string, function as Function<IItemStack,IItemStack>) as IIngredientTransformed<IIngredient>
Parameter | Type | Optional |
Parameter uid | Type string | Optional false |
Parameter function | Type Function<IItemStack,IItemStack> | Optional true |
Return Type: IIngredientTransformed<IIngredient>
IItemStack.transformDamage(amount as int) as IIngredientTransformed<IIngredient>
Parameter | Type | Optional | Default Value |
Parameter amount | Type int | Optional true | Default Value 1 |
Return Type: IIngredientTransformed<IIngredient>
IItemStack.transformReplace(replaceWith as IItemStack) as IIngredientTransformed<IIngredient>
Parameter | Type |
Parameter replaceWith | Type IItemStack |
Adds an AttributeModifier to this IItemStack.
The UUID can be used to override an existing attribute on an ItemStack with this new modifier.
You can use /ct hand attributes
to get the UUID of the attributes on an ItemStack.
Attributes added with this method will only appear on this specific IItemStack.
By defaults, adding a modifier will remove the default Attribute Modifiers on the Item, like the Diamond Chestplate’s Armor and Toughness values.
When preserveDefaults
is set to true (by default it is false.), the default Attribute Modifiers will be preserved when adding this modifier.
This means that if you were adding the forge:nametag_distance
attribute to an Item, it would keep its default attributes (like Armor and Toughness values).
Return Type: IItemStack
// IItemStack.withAttributeModifier(attribute as Attribute, name as string, value as double, operation as AttributeOperation, slotTypes as EquipmentSlot[], preserveDefaults as boolean) as IItemStack
myIItemStack.withAttributeModifier(<attribute:minecraft:generic.attack_damage>, "Extra Power", 10, AttributeOperation.ADDITION, [<constant:minecraft:equipmentslot:chest>], true);
Parameter | Type | Description | Optional | Default Value |
Parameter attribute | Type Attribute | Description The Attribute of the modifier. | Optional false | Default Value |
Parameter name | Type string | Description The name of the modifier. | Optional false | Default Value |
Parameter value | Type double | Description The value of the modifier. | Optional false | Default Value |
Parameter operation | Type AttributeOperation | Description The operation of the modifier. | Optional false | Default Value |
Parameter slotTypes | Type EquipmentSlot[] | Description What slots the modifier is valid for. | Optional false | Default Value |
Parameter preserveDefaults | Type boolean | Description Should the default Item Attribute Modifiers be preserved when adding this modifier. | Optional true | Default Value false |
Adds an AttributeModifier to this IItemStack using a specific UUID.
The UUID can be used to override an existing attribute on an ItemStack with this new modifier.
You can use /ct hand attributes
to get the UUID of the attributes on an ItemStack.
Attributes added with this method will only appear on this specific IItemStack.
By defaults, adding a modifier will remove the default Attribute Modifiers on the Item, like the Diamond Chestplate’s Armor and Toughness values.
When preserveDefaults
is set to true (by default it is false.), the default Attribute Modifiers will be preserved when adding this modifier.
This means that if you were adding the forge:nametag_distance
attribute to an Item, it would keep its default attributes (like Armor and Toughness values).
Return Type: IItemStack
// IItemStack.withAttributeModifier(attribute as Attribute, uuid as invalid, name as string, value as double, operation as AttributeOperation, slotTypes as EquipmentSlot[], preserveDefaults as boolean) as IItemStack
myIItemStack.withAttributeModifier(<attribute:minecraft:generic.attack_damage>, "8c1b5535-9f79-448b-87ae-52d81480aaa3", "Extra Power", 10, AttributeOperation.ADDITION, [<constant:minecraft:equipmentslot:chest>], true);
Parameter | Type | Description | Optional | Default Value |
Parameter attribute | Type Attribute | Description The Attribute of the modifier. | Optional false | Default Value |
Parameter uuid | Type invalid | Description The unique identifier of the modifier to replace. | Optional false | Default Value |
Parameter name | Type string | Description The name of the modifier. | Optional false | Default Value |
Parameter value | Type double | Description The value of the modifier. | Optional false | Default Value |
Parameter operation | Type AttributeOperation | Description The operation of the modifier. | Optional false | Default Value |
Parameter slotTypes | Type EquipmentSlot[] | Description What slots the modifier is valid for. | Optional false | Default Value |
Parameter preserveDefaults | Type boolean | Description Should the default Item Attribute Modifiers be preserved when adding this modifier. | Optional true | Default Value false |
Adds an AttributeModifier to this IItemStack using a specific UUID.
The UUID can be used to override an existing attribute on an ItemStack with this new modifier.
You can use /ct hand attributes
to get the UUID of the attributes on an ItemStack.
Attributes added with this method will only appear on this specific IItemStack.
By defaults, adding a modifier will remove the default Attribute Modifiers on the Item, like the Diamond Chestplate’s Armor and Toughness values.
When preserveDefaults
is set to true (by default it is false.), the default Attribute Modifiers will be preserved when adding this modifier.
This means that if you were adding the forge:nametag_distance
attribute to an Item, it would keep its default attributes (like Armor and Toughness values).
Return Type: IItemStack
// IItemStack.withAttributeModifier(attribute as Attribute, uuid as string, name as string, value as double, operation as AttributeOperation, slotTypes as EquipmentSlot[], preserveDefaults as boolean) as IItemStack
myIItemStack.withAttributeModifier(<attribute:minecraft:generic.attack_damage>, "8c1b5535-9f79-448b-87ae-52d81480aaa3", "Extra Power", 10, AttributeOperation.ADDITION, [<constant:minecraft:equipmentslot:chest>], true);
Parameter | Type | Description | Optional | Default Value |
Parameter attribute | Type Attribute | Description The Attribute of the modifier. | Optional false | Default Value |
Parameter uuid | Type string | Description The unique identifier of the modifier to replace. | Optional false | Default Value |
Parameter name | Type string | Description The name of the modifier. | Optional false | Default Value |
Parameter value | Type double | Description The value of the modifier. | Optional false | Default Value |
Parameter operation | Type AttributeOperation | Description The operation of the modifier. | Optional false | Default Value |
Parameter slotTypes | Type EquipmentSlot[] | Description What slots the modifier is valid for. | Optional false | Default Value |
Parameter preserveDefaults | Type boolean | Description Should the default Item Attribute Modifiers be preserved when adding this modifier. | Optional true | Default Value false |
Sets the damage of the ItemStack
Return Type: IItemStack
// IItemStack.withDamage(damage as int) as IItemStack
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter damage | Type int | Description the new damage value |
Sets the display name of the ItemStack
Return Type: IItemStack
// IItemStack.withDisplayName(name as Component) as IItemStack
myIItemStack.withDisplayName("totally not dirt");
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter name | Type Component | Description New name of the stack. |
Enchants this IItemStack with the given Enchantment.
Returns: This itemStack if it is mutable, a new one with the enchantment added otherwise
Return Type: IItemStack
// IItemStack.withEnchantment(enchantment as Enchantment, level as int) as IItemStack
myIItemStack.withEnchantment(<enchantment:minecraft:riptide>, 2);
Parameter | Type | Description | Optional | Default Value |
Parameter enchantment | Type Enchantment | Description The enchantment to add. | Optional false | Default Value |
Parameter level | Type int | Description The level of the enchantment | Optional true | Default Value 1 |
Sets the lore of the ItemStack
Return Type: IItemStack
// IItemStack.withLore(lore as Component?[]) as IItemStack
myIItemStack.withLore(new crafttweaker.api.text.TextComponent("I am the lore I speak for the trees"););
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter lore | Type Component?[] | Description the new Lore of the ItemStack. |
Sets the tag for the ItemStack.
Returns: This itemStack if it is mutable, a new one with the changed property otherwise
Return Type: IItemStack
// IItemStack.withTag(tag as MapData) as IItemStack
myIItemStack.withTag({Display: {lore: ["Hello"]}});
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter tag | Type MapData | Description The tag to set. |
Removes the tag from this ItemStack.
Returns: This itemStack if it is mutable, a new one with the changed property otherwise
Return Type: IItemStack
// IItemStack.withoutTag() as IItemStack
Does the ingredient contain the given ingredient?
ingredient as IIngredient in myIItemStack(<item:minecraft:iron_ingot> | <item:minecraft:gold_ingot>) in myIItemStack
myIItemStack % percentage as double
Use this in contexts where machines accept more than one item to state that fact.
myIItemStack * amount as int
myIItemStack | other as IIngredient
Name | Type | Has Getter | Has Setter | Description |
Name amount | Type int | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Gets the amount of Items in the ItemStack |
Name baseRepairCost | Type int | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Gets the base repair cost of the ItemStack, or 0 if no repair is defined. |
Name burnTime | Type void | Has Getter true | Has Setter true | Description Sets the burn time of this ingredient, for use in the furnace and other machines |
Name damage | Type int | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description |
Name damageableItem | Type boolean | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Returns if the ItemStack is damageable I.E Swords and tools are damageable, sticks are not. |
Name damaged | Type boolean | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Returns if the ItemStack is damaged I.E a Swords that is no at full durability is damaged. |
Name definition | Type ItemDefinition | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description |
Name descriptionId | Type string | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Returns the unlocalized Name of the Item in the ItemStack |
Name displayName | Type Component | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Gets the display name of the ItemStack |
Name enchantments | Type int?[Enchantment] | Has Getter true | Has Setter true | Description |
Name fireResistant | Type boolean | Has Getter true | Has Setter true | Description Checks if this IItemStack burns when thrown into fire / lava or damaged by fire. |
Name food | Type FoodProperties? | Has Getter true | Has Setter true | Description |
Name hasCustomHoverName | Type boolean | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Returns true if the ItemStack has a display name. |
Name hasFoil | Type boolean | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Returns true if this ItemStack has a foil effect. Foil is the glint / effect that is added to enchanted ItemStacks (and other items). |
Name hasTag | Type boolean | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Returns true if this ItemStack has a Tag |
Name hoverName | Type Component | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Gets the hover name of the ItemStack. This will give the raw name without the formatting that ‘displayName’ applies. |
Name isEdible | Type boolean | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description |
Name isEnchantable | Type boolean | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Can this ItemStack be enchanted? |
Name isEnchanted | Type boolean | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Is this ItemStack enchanted? |
Name isImmutable | Type boolean | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description |
Name isMutable | Type boolean | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description |
Name items | Type IItemStack[] | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description |
Name maxDamage | Type int | Has Getter true | Has Setter true | Description Returns the max damage of the ItemStack This is the max durability of the ItemStack. |
Name maxStackSize | Type int | Has Getter true | Has Setter true | Description Returns the max stack size of the Item in the ItemStack |
Name owner | Type string | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Gets owning mod for the Item in this IItemStack |
Name rarity | Type Rarity | Has Getter true | Has Setter true | Description Returns the rarity of the Item in the ItemStack |
Name registryName | Type ResourceLocation | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Gets the registry name for the Item in this IItemStack |
Name stackable | Type boolean | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Returns if the ItemStack can have an amount greater than 1 I.E Swords and tools are not stackable, sticks are. |
Name tag | Type IData? | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Returns the NBT tag attached to this ItemStack. |
Name useDuration | Type int | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Gets the use duration of the ItemStack |
Name useOnRelease | Type boolean | Has Getter true | Has Setter false | Description Returns true if this stack is considered a crossbow item |