Importing the class
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
import mods.pmmo.CTPerkFunction;
This function represents the logic being executed for a perk. All perks are provided the player this perk is contextually applicable to, a map of settings and the players current level in the skill associated in the users’ config.
Returns: output data. not all events use output data, and your perk may not
have anything to return. In this case an empty map is sufficient.
Return Type: MapData
CTPerkFunction.apply(player as Player, nbt as MapData, level as int) as MapData
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter player | Type Player | Description perk executor |
Parameter nbt | Type MapData | Description data provided by PMMO |
Parameter level | Type int | Description the current level of the player in the skill configured |