Importing the class
If you need to reference this type directly, like when casting an Array, or as a parameter, you will need to import it. Simply add the import at the top of the file.
import crafttweaker.api.block.type.falling.Fallable;
getFallDamageSource(entity as Entity) as DamageSource
Gets the damage source used when this block falls on an entity.script.zs
Returns: The damage source used when this block falls on an entity.
Return Type:
onBrokenAfterFall(level as Level, pos as BlockPos, fallingEntity as FallingBlockEntity)
// Fallable.onBrokenAfterFall(level as Level, pos as BlockPos, fallingEntity as FallingBlockEntity);myFallable.onBrokenAfterFall(myLevel, myBlockPos, myFallingBlockEntity);
fallingEntity: FallingBlockEntity
Type: FallingBlockEntity
onLand(level as Level, pos as BlockPos, fallingState as BlockState, placeState as BlockState, fallingEntity as FallingBlockEntity)
// Fallable.onLand(level as Level, pos as BlockPos, fallingState as BlockState, placeState as BlockState, fallingEntity as FallingBlockEntity);myFallable.onLand(myLevel, myBlockPos, myBlockState, myBlockState, myFallingBlockEntity);
fallingState: BlockState
Type: BlockState
placeState: BlockState
Type: BlockState
fallingEntity: FallingBlockEntity
Type: FallingBlockEntity