IC2 Support

NOTICE: This page uses the 1.7.X item names

NOTICE: The canner has not yet been tested. Adjust this message if you tried its recipes.

NOTE: recipes for these machines cannot reload. Once added, you need to restart Minecraft to undo them.

IC2 support enables addition of recipes for IC2 machines.


  • Crafting with electric items
  • Machines
  • Recycler blacklist
  • Semifluid generator
  • Scrapbox

Crafting with electric items

You can use and discharge IC2 tools in crafting recipes. For example:

val chainsaw = <IC2:itemToolChainsaw>.anyDamage();
recipes.addShapeless(<minecraft:stick> * 3, [<ore:plankWood>, chainsaw.onlyIC2ChargeAtLeast(100).transformIC2Discharge(100)]);


The following machines are supported:

  • Canner
  • Compressor
  • Extractor
  • Macerator
  • Metal Former
  • Ore Washer
  • Recycler
  • Thermal Centrifuge Each of these machines can have new recipes added:
import mods.ic2.Canner;
import mods.ic2.Compressor;
import mods.ic2.Extractor;
import mods.ic2.Macerator;
import mods.ic2.MetalFormer;
import mods.ic2.OreWasher;
import mods.ic2.ThermalCentrifuge;
// TODO: make some proper examples and test them
Canner.addBottleRecipe(output, container, fillIngredient);
Canner.addBottleRecipe(output, container, water);
Canner.addEnrichRecipe(output, input, additiveItem);
Canner.addEnrichRecipe(output, input, additiveLiquid);
Compressor.addRecipe(<minecraft:planks>, <minecraft:stick>);
Extractor.addRecipe(<minecraft:wheat>, <minecraft:bread>);
Macerator.addRecipe(<minecraft:wheat> * 2, <minecraft:bread>);
MetalFormer.addCuttingRecipe(<minecraft:stick> * 3, <minecraft:planks:*>);
MetalFormer.addExtrudingRecipe(<minecraft:stick> * 3, <minecraft:planks:*>);
MetalFormer.addRollingRecipe(<minecraft:stick> * 3, <minecraft:planks:*>);
OreWasher.addRecipe([<minecraft:wheat>, <minecraft:wheat_seeds>], <minecraft:bread>, 1000); // 1000 = water usage
ThermalCentrifuge.addRecipe([<minecraft:wheat>, <minecraft:wheat_seeds>], <minecraft:bread>, 1000); // 1000 = minimum temperature

Recycler blacklist

You can add additional items to the recycler blacklist:

import mods.ic2.Recycler;

Semifluid generator

It is possible to add new fuels to the semifluid generator:

import mods.ic2.SemiFluidGenerator;
// first argument is the amount of liquid used per cycle, the second the energy production / tick
SemiFluidGenerator.addFluid(<liquid:lava> * 10, 5);


You can register new items to the scrapbox:

import mods.ic2.ScrapBox;