NOTICE: This page uses the 1.7.X item names
NOTICE: The canner has not yet been tested. Adjust this message if you tried its recipes.
NOTE: recipes for these machines cannot reload. Once added, you need to restart Minecraft to undo them.
IC2 support enables addition of recipes for IC2 machines.
- Crafting with electric items
- Machines
- Recycler blacklist
- Semifluid generator
- Scrapbox
You can use and discharge IC2 tools in crafting recipes. For example:
The following machines are supported:
- Canner
- Compressor
- Extractor
- Macerator
- Metal Former
- Ore Washer
- Recycler
- Thermal Centrifuge
Each of these machines can have new recipes added:
You can add additional items to the recycler blacklist:
It is possible to add new fuels to the semifluid generator:
You can register new items to the scrapbox: