MFR Support
NOTICE: This page uses 1.7.10 item syntax. Use the proper syntax when working in 1.6.4.
Since 3.0.7, MineFactory Reloaded is now supported. Both the 1.6.4 and 1.7.10 versions are supported, but quite a few features have not been extensively tested so expect bugs! Some machines have their support still under development.
- Auto spawner
- Fertilizer
- Fruit Picker
- Grinder
- Harvester
- Mining Laser
- Planter
- Rancher
- RedNet
- Rubber Tree
- Safari Net
- Sludge Boiler
- MFR Biofuel Generator
Auto spawner
It is possible to add and remove entities to the blacklist if you know the class name:
Fruit Picker
New blocks can be added to the harvester for harvesting:
The second argument is the harvestable type. “tree” will follow the MFR algorithm to cut trees, cutting the leaves first. “treeLeaf” is used for leaves. “normal” is used for single blocks and “column” for plants like cactuses and reeds. “treeFlipped” is supposedly used for trees growing upside down. Natura, anyone?
Normally the harvester will generate the items that are dropped by breaking the blocks. Other items can be dropped by specifying them:
If custom items are specified, the default drops are ignored.
Mining Laser
It is possible to add and remove ores from the mining laser:
To see which laser ores exist, use the /mt mfr laserores command. It also prints the preferred laser ore list to see the laser’s color preferences.
You can define new plantable items in the planter:
(More functions available but unfinished)
Rubber Tree
Does your favorite worldgen mod not spawn rubber trees in the right biome? Fix it easily:
To find the list of biome names, use /mt biomes !
Safari Net
Sludge Boiler
Drops can be added and removed:
Use /mt mfr sludgedrops to have the list of sludge drops generated in minetweaker.log.
MFR Biofuel Generator
This machine can’t have its acceptable items altered. Instead, anything that works with the planter should work in this generator.