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The Bracket Handler

The Bracket Handler is the only way to obtain a tag.


The syntax of this bracket handler is extremely easy to follow, and at the same time it allows for a huge variety of possibilities in which tag it should be returned by the bracket handler.


In the above code snippet, the parts in all caps are the bits that are customizable by the developer and represent the target that will be returned.

TYPE identifies the type of tag that will be created. The type has to be one of the mnemonics that identify a tag type. Refer to the linked page for a list of valid tag types.

NAMESPACE identifies the name space of a tag, i.e. the mod ID that owns the tag. In most cases, the namespace will be either forge or minecraft, but it is also possible to use other name spaces, e.g. for mod-specific tags.

NAME represents the name of the tag that should be obtained.

Refer to the Behavior section to know what this bracket handler returns.


Differently from other bracket handlers that are present in CraftTweaker, the behavior of this bracket handler differs according to which loader is processing the script the bracket handler is in.

The tags loader

If the bracket handler is referenced in a script loaded by the tags loader, it will return a Tag. This allows for manipulation of the elements that are contained in the tag itself. Refer to the class documentation for more information.

The preinit loader

If the bracket handler is referenced in a script loaded by the preinit loader, it will throw an exception, since tags are loaded later on in the Minecraft lifecycle, namely just before recipes are registered.

Every other loader

If the bracket handler is referenced in a script loaded by any of the other loaders, including the default recipeevent one, then it will return a TagIngredient. This does not allow for manipulation of the tag contents, but allows the tag to be used in recipes and other method invocations that require an instance of IIngredient as a parameter.

Example usage

This first example demonstrates the usage of a TagIngredient to add a new recipe. Note the usage of the items tag type:

val tagIngredient = <tag-items:forge:ingots/iron>;
recipes.addShapelessRecipe("test", <minecraft:iron_ingot> * 3, [tagIngredient, tagIngredient, tagIngredient]);

This second example shows the manipulation of a Tag of type blocks:

#loader tags
val tag = <tag-blocks:minecraft:enderman_holdable>;
tag.add("minecraft:iron_block" as NameSpacedString);