A Part is the form an item is in, for example a gear or an ore.
Importing the package
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues, so better be safe than sorry and add the import.
import mods.contenttweaker.Part;
Retrieving such an object
You can either retrieve an existing Part using the MaterialSystem or create an entirely new one using the Part Builder
Following types are pre-registered (Headlines are the Part types):
- Beam
- Bolt
- Casing
- Clump
- Crystal Crystal
- Crushed Ore (crushed_ore)
- Dense Plate (dense_plate)
- Dirty Dust (dirty_dust)
- Dust
- Gear
- Ingot
- Nugget
- Plate
- Rod
- Shard
- Block
- Ore
- Dense Ore (dense_ore)
- Poor Ore(poor_ore)
- Molten
- Armor
- Minecart
You can retrieve the following information from a Part:
ZenMethod | Return Type |
ZenMethod hasOverlay() | Return Type boolean |
ZenMethod getName() | Return Type string |
ZenMethod getUnlocalizedName() | Return Type string |
ZenMethod getShortUnlocalizedName() | Return Type string |
ZenMethod getPartType() | Return Type PartType |
ZenMethod getPartTypeName() | Return Type string |
ZenMethod getOreDictPrefix() | Return Type string |
ZenMethod getData() | Return Type List<IPartDataPiece> |
Register to Material(s)
You can use this to register one or several Materials to this part
part.registerToMaterial(Material material);part.registerToMaterials(Material[] materials);
The function will either return a single MaterialPart object or a List of them, depending on whether you registered one or multiple materials at once.