Part Builder
If you want to build a Part, you will need a Part Builder!
Doesn’t sound that hard, does it?
Importing the package
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues, so better be safe than sorry and add the import.
import mods.contenttweaker.PartBuilder;
Retrieving such an object
You can retrieve a new, clear Builder using the MaterialSystem Package:
var pBuilder = mods.contenttweaker.MaterialSystem.getPartBuilder();
Set the Part’s Properties
You can set these Properties
ZenMethod | Parameter |
ZenMethod setHasOverlay(hasOverlay) | Parameter boolean hasOverlay |
ZenMethod setName(name) | Parameter string name |
ZenMethod setPartType(partType) | Parameter PartType partType |
ZenMethod setOreDictName(prefix) | Parameter string prefix |
ZenMethod setAdditionalOreDictNames(prefixes) | Parameter string… prefixes |
All these Methods do 2 things: Firstly, they change the builder’s Property, secondly they return the modified builder.
You can see in the example scripts below what this means.
Actually build the Material
Before you can build your material, you need to build it:;
This returns an Part Object.
Example Script
var pBuilder = mods.contenttweaker.MaterialSystem.getPartBuilder();pBuilder.setName("dense_gear");pBuilder.setPartType(MaterialSystem.getPartType("item"));var denseGearPart =;
var denseIngotPart = mods.contenttweaker.MaterialSystem.getPartBuilder().setName("dense_ingot").setPartType(mods.contenttweaker.MaterialSystem.getPartType("item")).setOreDictName("superIngot").build();
Noteworthy information
Localizing the MaterialParts
The items you create with your new part will generally be named contenttweaker.part.partname
If you want your item to include the material name, you will need to localize it, preferably in CoT’s language files which can be found at Resources/contenttweaker/lang
Instead of the material name you write %s
, so naming the dense gears ans ingots created above would look like this:
contenttweaker.part.dense_gear=Dense %s Gearcontenttweaker.part.dense_ingot=Dense %s Ingot
Adding a texture
The items you create with your new part will look a bit edgy to you.
If you want your part to have a specific icon you will need to add a partname.png
file to Resources/contenttweaker/textures/items
So, giving the dense gears a texture would require us to add a file called gear_dense.png
to that folder.