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A PartType can be seen as a group that several parts fit in, e.g. items

Importing the package

It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues, so better be safe than sorry and add the import.
import mods.contenttweaker.PartType;

Retrieving such an object

You can use the MaterialSystem to either retrieve an existing PartType object or create an entirely new one.
Check out below entry to learn how to create a new PartType.

Following types are pre-registered:
  • item
  • block
  • ore
  • fluid
  • armor
  • minecart


You can retrieve the following information from a PartType:

ZenMethodReturn Type
Return Type

You can set the following information on a PartType:

ZenMethodParameter Type
setData(IPartDataPiece[] data);
Parameter Type
IPartDataPiece[] data

Create a new PartType

If you, for whatever reason would ever need to register a new PartType, you will need to know two things:

  • What name the new partType will have
  • How MaterialParts created from Parts that are of this type will be registered

The first is simple, it’s a string.
The second is a bit trickier, it’s a function that takes a MaterialPart as input:

#loader contenttweaker
import mods.contenttweaker.MaterialSystem;
val ourType = MaterialSystem.createPartType("cool_type", function(materialPart){
//Use the new type to create a Part
val ourPart = mods.contenttweaker.MaterialSystem.getPartBuilder().setName("cool_part").setPartType(ourType).build();
//Create a new Material and register the newly created part.
val ourMaterial = MaterialSystem.getMaterialBuilder().setName("Lawrencium").setColor(15426660).build();