Home Migration Guide Getting Started With Scripts Commands Examples
Generic JSON Recipes
This page relates to PneumaticCraft: Repressurized, which has built-in support!

Requires PneumaticCraft: Repressurized v2.12.6 or newer.

Assembly System

Assembly System recipes are a type of IRecipeManager and implement all the methods that are available to IRecipeManager’s, such as removeRecipe() and removeAll(). There are two separate Assembly recipe types: <recipetype:pneumaticcraft:assembly_laser> and <recipetype:pneumaticcraft:assembly_drill>.


Add Recipe

Assembly recipes require a single input item and a single output item.

The following script adds a recipe to convert 8 Slimeballs into 1 Magma Cream with the laser:

// <recipetype:pneumaticcraft:assembly_laser>.addRecipe(name as string, IIngredientWithAmount input, IItemStack output)
<recipetype:pneumaticcraft:assembly_laser>.addRecipe("slime_to_magma", <item:minecraft:slimeball> * 8, <item:minecraft:magma_cream>);

The following script adds a recipe to convert 1 Glass into 4 Glass Panes with the drill:

// <recipetype:pneumaticcraft:assembly_laser>.addRecipe(name as string, IIngredientWithAmount input, IItemStack output)
<recipetype:pneumaticcraft:assembly_drill>.addRecipe("glass_to_pane", <item:minecraft:glass>, <item:minecraft:glass_pane> * 4);

Remove Recipes

The following script will remove all Assembly recipes:
