This page relates to PneumaticCraft: Repressurized, which has built-in support!

Requires PneumaticCraft: Repressurized v2.12.6 or newer.

The Fluid Mixer is a type of IRecipeManager and implements all the methods that are available to IRecipeManager's, such as removeRecipe() and removeAll().

Fluid Mixer recipes require two input fluids, an optional output fluid and output item (although at least one of those must be non-empty), a minimum pressure, and base processing time, in ticks (effective processing time may be lower if extra pressure is supplied).

The following script adds a recipe to convert 50mB of Diesel and 50mB of Lava into 100mB Lubricant and no item, requiring 2.5 bar of pressure and 60 ticks base processing time.

//<recipetype:pneumaticcraft:fluid_mixer>.addRecipe(name as string, input1 as CTFluidIngredient, input2 as CTFluidIngredient, fluidOutput as IFluidStack, itemOutput as IItemStack, pressure as float, processingTime as int)
<recipetype:pneumaticcraft:fluid_mixer>.addRecipe("diesel_lava_to_lubricant", <fluid:pneumaticcraft:diesel> * 50, <fluid:minecraft:lava> * 50, <fluid:pneumaticcraft:lubricant> * 100, <item:minecraft:air> * 0, 2.5, 60);

The following script adds a recipe to convert 1000mB of Molten Plastic and 2000mB of Water to 2 Plastic Sheets (and no fluid), requiring 4 bar of pressure and taking 200 ticks base processing time:

<recipetype:pneumaticcraft:fluid_mixer>.addRecipe("water_plastic_to_sheets", <fluid:pneumaticcraft:plastic> * 1000, <fluid:minecraft:water> * 2000, <fluid:minecraft:water> * 0, <item:pneumaticcraft:plastic> * 2, 4.0, 200);

The following script will remove all Fluid Mixer recipes:
