MCBlockState #MC方块状态
Link to mcblockstate-mc方块状态
Link to 导入类
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
ZenScript Copyimport crafttweaker.api.blocks.MCBlockState;
Link to casters
结果类型 | 是否隐藏 |
结果类型 MCBlock #MC方块 | 是否隐藏 true |
结果类型 string | 是否隐藏 false |
Link to 使用方式
Name: canBeReplacedByLeaves
Checks if this BlockState can be replaced by leaves in tree growth.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.canBeReplacedByLeaves(world as MCWorld, pos as BlockPos) as boolean
<blockstate:minecraft:grass>.canBeReplacedByLeaves(world, new BlockPos(1, 2, 3));
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 world | 类型 MCWorld | 描述 A world object. |
参数 点 | 类型 BlockPos | 描述 The position of the BlockState |
Name: canBeReplacedByLogs
Checks if this BlockState can be replaced by logs in tree growth.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.canBeReplacedByLogs(world as MCWorld, pos as BlockPos) as boolean
<blockstate:minecraft:grass>.canBeReplacedByLogs(world, new BlockPos(1, 2, 3));
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 world | 类型 MCWorld | 描述 A world object. |
参数 点 | 类型 BlockPos | 描述 The position of the BlockState |
Name: canConnectRedstone
Determines if Redstone can connect to this BlockState at the given position and (optional) side.
Returns: True if Redstone can connect to this BlockState. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript CopyMCBlockState.canConnectRedstone(world as MCWorld, pos as BlockPos, side as Direction) as boolean
参数 | 类型 | 描述 | 可选 | DefaultValue |
参数 world | 类型 MCWorld | 描述 A world object. | 可选 false | DefaultValue |
参数 点 | 类型 BlockPos | 描述 The position of the BlockState. | 可选 false | DefaultValue |
参数 side | 类型 Direction | 描述 The side to check for. | 可选 true | DefaultValue |
Name: canCreatureSpawn
Checks if a specific entity type can spawn on this BlockState at the position in the world.
Returns: True if the entity type can spawn. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.canCreatureSpawn(world as MCWorld, pos as BlockPos, type as PlacementType, entityType as MCEntityType) as boolean
<blockstate:minecraft:grass>.canCreatureSpawn(world, new BlockPos(1, 2, 3), PlacementType.IN_WATER, <entitytype:minecraft:pig>);
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 world | 类型 MCWorld | 描述 A world object. |
参数 点 | 类型 BlockPos | 描述 The position in the world. |
参数 类型 | 类型 PlacementType | 描述 The PlaceMentType to check for. |
参数 entityType | 类型 MCEntityType #MC实体类型 | 描述 The EntityType to check for. |
Name: canDropFromExplosion
Checks if the BlockState will drop from the given explosion at the given position.
Returns: True if this BlockState will drop. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.canDropFromExplosion(world as MCWorld, pos as BlockPos, explosion as Explosion) as boolean
<blockstate:minecraft:grass>.canDropFromExplosion(world, new BlockPos(1, 2, 3), Explosiotn.create(world, 1, 2, 3, 5, true, ExplosionMode.BREAK));
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 world | 类型 MCWorld | 描述 A world object. |
参数 点 | 类型 BlockPos | 描述 The position of the BlockState. |
参数 explosion | 类型 Explosion | 描述 The Explosion to check against. |
Name: canEntityDestroy
Determines if this BlockState can be destroyed by the Entity at the specific position.
Returns: True if the entity can destroy the BlockState. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript CopyMCBlockState.canEntityDestroy(world as MCWorld, pos as BlockPos, entity as MCEntity) as boolean
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 world | 类型 MCWorld | 描述 A world object. |
参数 点 | 类型 BlockPos | 描述 The position of the BlockState. |
参数 entity | 类型 MCEntity | 描述 The Entity that is trying to destroy the BlockState. |
Name: canHarvestBlock
Checks whether the player can harvest the BlockState.
Returns: True if the player can harvest the block. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.canHarvestBlock(world as MCWorld, pos as BlockPos, player as MCPlayerEntity) as boolean
<blockstate:minecraft:grass>.canHarvestBlock(world, new BlockPos(1, 2, 3), player);
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 world | 类型 MCWorld | 描述 A world object. |
参数 点 | 类型 BlockPos | 描述 The position to check at. |
参数 player | 类型 MCPlayerEntity #MC玩家实体 | 描述 The player that is trying to harvest the block. |
Name: canProvidePower
Checks whether this BlockState can provide Redstone Power
Returns: True if this BlockState can provide Redstone Power. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.canProvidePower() as boolean
Name: canStickTo
Checks if this BlockState can stick to the other BlockState when pushed by a piston.
Returns: True if the BlockStatess stick when pushed by a piston. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.canStickTo(other as MCBlockState) as boolean
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 other | 类型 MCBlockState #MC方块状态 | 描述 The BlockState check if it will stick against. |
Name: getAllowedValuesForProperty
Gets a list of allowed values for a given property.
Returns: a List of allowed values.
Return Type: stdlib.List<string>
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.getAllowedValuesForProperty(name as string) as stdlib.List<string>
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 name(名称) | 类型 string | 描述 The name of the property to find the allowed values for. |
Name: getBedDirection
Gets the direction of the bed. This can be called on any BlockState that has the HORIZONTAL_FACING
property, not just beds.
The game WILL crash if you call this on a blockstate that doesn't have the property, so make sure you check it before calling it!
Return Type: void
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.getBedDirection(world as MCWorld, pos as BlockPos) as void
<blockstate:minecraft:grass>.getBedDirection(world, new BlockPos(1, 2, 3));
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 world | 类型 MCWorld | 描述 A world object. |
参数 点 | 类型 BlockPos | 描述 The position of the BlockState |
Name: getCommandString
Gets the blockstate bracket handler syntax for this BlockState.
Returns: The blockstate bracket handler syntax for this BlockState.
Return Type: string
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.getCommandString() as string
Name: getExpDrop
Returns how much Experience this BlockState will drop when broken.
Returns: The amount of Experience that will drop when this BlockState is broken.
Return Type: int
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.getExpDrop(world as MCWorld, pos as BlockPos, fortune as int, silktouch as int) as int
<blockstate:minecraft:grass>.getExpDrop(world, new BlockPos(1, 2, 3), 1, 0);
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 world | 类型 MCWorld | 描述 A world object. |
参数 点 | 类型 BlockPos | 描述 The position of the BlockState. |
参数 fortune | 类型 int | 描述 The fortune level of the tool being used to break the block. |
参数 silktouch | 类型 int | 描述 The silktouch level of the tool being used to break the block. This will most likely either be 0 or 1. |
Name: getExplosionResistance
Gets the explosion resistance of the BlockState in the world for the given Explosion
Returns: The amount of the explosion that is absorbed.
Return Type: float
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.getExplosionResistance(world as MCWorld, pos as BlockPos, explosion as Explosion) as float
<blockstate:minecraft:grass>.getExplosionResistance(world, new BlockPos(1, 2, 3), Explosiotn.create(world, 1, 2, 3, 5, true, ExplosionMode.BREAK));
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 world | 类型 MCWorld | 描述 A world object. |
参数 点 | 类型 BlockPos | 描述 The position of the BlockState |
参数 explosion | 类型 Explosion | 描述 The explosion object to check against. |
Name: getFireSpreadSpeed
Determines how fast fire spreads from this block. The higher the number the faster that fire will spread around the BlockState.
Returns: The spread speed of the BlockState.
Return Type: int
ZenScript CopyMCBlockState.getFireSpreadSpeed(world as MCWorld, pos as BlockPos, face as Direction) as int
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 world | 类型 MCWorld | 描述 A world object. |
参数 点 | 类型 BlockPos | 描述 The position of the BlockState. |
参数 face | 类型 Direction | 描述 The face that the fire is coming from. |
Name: getFlammability
Gets the chance that fire will spread and consume this BlockState.
Values range from 0 - 300.
A value of 300 is a 100% chance, and 0 is a 0% chance.
Returns: A number between 0 and 300 dictating how flammable this BlockState is.
Return Type: int
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.getFlammability(world as MCWorld, pos as BlockPos, face as Direction) as int
<blockstate:minecraft:grass>.getFlammability(world, new BlockPos(1, 2, 3), Direction.south);
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 world | 类型 MCWorld | 描述 A world object. |
参数 点 | 类型 BlockPos | 描述 The position of the BlockState. |
参数 face | 类型 Direction | 描述 The face that the fire is coming from. |
Name: getHardness
Gets the hardness of this BlockState.
Returns: The hardness of this BlockState.
Return Type: float
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.getHardness() as float
Name: getHarvestLevel
Gets the harvest level of this BlockState.
Returns: The harvest level of this BlockState.
Return Type: int
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.getHarvestLevel() as int
Name: getLightLevel
Gets the light level of this BlockState
Returns: The light level of this BlockState.
Return Type: int
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.getLightLevel() as int
Name: getLightValue
Gets the light value of the BlockState at the given position.
Returns: The light value of the BlockState at the position.
Return Type: int
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.getLightValue(world as MCWorld, pos as BlockPos) as int
<blockstate:minecraft:grass>.getLightValue(world, new BlockPos(1, 2, 3));
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 world | 类型 MCWorld | 描述 A world Object. |
参数 点 | 类型 BlockPos | 描述 The position to check the light value of. |
Name: getProperties
Gets the properties of this BlockState.
Returns: a Map of the properties on this BlockState.
Return Type: string[string]
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.getProperties() as string[string]
Name: getPropertyNames
Gets the names of the properties of this BlockState.
Returns: the List of the names of the BlockStates's properties.
Return Type: stdlib.List<string>
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.getPropertyNames() as stdlib.List<string>
Name: getPropertyValue
Gets the value of the given property.
Returns: The value of the property on this BlockState.
Return Type: string
ZenScript CopyMCBlockState.getPropertyValue(name as string) as string
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 name(名称) | 类型 string | 描述 "snowy" |
Name: getSlipperiness
Gets the slipperiness of the BlockState at the given location for the given entity (if one is given)
Returns: The slipperiness of the BlockState at the given BlockPos for the Entity.
Return Type: float
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.getSlipperiness(world as MCWorld, pos as BlockPos, entity as MCEntity) as float
<blockstate:minecraft:grass>.getSlipperiness(world, new Blockpos(0,0,0);, entity);
参数 | 类型 | 描述 | 可选 | DefaultValue |
参数 world | 类型 MCWorld | 描述 A world object. | 可选 false | DefaultValue |
参数 点 | 类型 BlockPos | 描述 The position to check at. | 可选 false | DefaultValue |
参数 entity | 类型 MCEntity | 描述 The entity to work with. | 可选 true | DefaultValue |
Name: hasProperty
Checks whether this BlockState has the given property.
Returns: True if this BlockState has the property. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.hasProperty(name as string) as boolean
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 name(名称) | 类型 string | 描述 the name of the property to check. |
Name: hasTileEntity
Checks whether this BlockState has a MCTileEntity.
Returns: True if this BlockState has a MCTileEntity. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.hasTileEntity() as boolean
Name: isBed
Determines if the block can be used to sleep.
Returns: True if the block allows sleeping.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.isBed(world as MCWorld, pos as BlockPos, sleeper as MCLivingEntity) as boolean
<blockstate:minecraft:grass>.isBed(world, new BlockPos(1, 2, 3), entity);
参数 | 类型 | 描述 | 可选 | DefaultValue |
参数 world | 类型 MCWorld | 描述 A world object. | 可选 false | DefaultValue |
参数 点 | 类型 BlockPos | 描述 The position to check at. | 可选 false | DefaultValue |
参数 sleeper | 类型 MCLivingEntity | 描述 The Living Entity that is trying to sleep. | 可选 true | DefaultValue |
Name: isBurning
Checks if the BlockState is burning at the given position.
Returns: True if the BlockState is burning a the given position.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.isBurning(world as MCWorld, pos as BlockPos) as boolean
<blockstate:minecraft:grass>.isBurning(world, new BlockPos(1, 2, 3));
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 world | 类型 MCWorld | 描述 A world object. |
参数 点 | 类型 BlockPos | 描述 The position of the BlockState. |
Name: isConduitFrame
Determines if this BlockState can be used as the frame of a Conduit.
Returns: True if this BlockState can be used as a Conduit frame.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.isConduitFrame(world as MCWorld, pos as BlockPos, conduitPosition as BlockPos) as boolean
<blockstate:minecraft:grass>.isConduitFrame(world, new BlockPos(1, 2, 3), new BlockPos(1, 5, 3));
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 world | 类型 MCWorld | 描述 A world object. |
参数 点 | 类型 BlockPos | 描述 The position of the BlockState. |
参数 conduitPosition | 类型 BlockPos | 描述 The Position of the Conduit. |
Name: isFertile
Checks if the BlockState is "fertile" at the given position.
This will only ever return true
if the BlockState is in the <tag:blocks:minecraft:farmland>
tag and if it has the moisture
The game WILL crash if you call this on a blockstate that doesn't have the property, so make sure you check it before calling it!
Returns: True if the BlockState is Fertile. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.isFertile(world as MCWorld, pos as BlockPos) as boolean
<blockstate:minecraft:grass>.isFertile(world, new BlockPos(1, 2, 3));
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 world | 类型 MCWorld | 描述 A world object. |
参数 点 | 类型 BlockPos | 描述 The position of the BlockState |
Name: isFireSource
Checks if this BlockState is a fire source at the given position with the fire coming from the given direciton.
Returns: True if this BlockState is a fire source. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.isFireSource(world as MCWorld, pos as BlockPos, side as Direction) as boolean
<blockstate:minecraft:grass>.isFireSource(world, new BlockPos(1, 2, 3), Direction.east);
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 world | 类型 MCWorld | 描述 A world object. |
参数 点 | 类型 BlockPos | 描述 The position of the BlockState. |
参数 side | 类型 Direction | 描述 The face that the fire is coming form. |
Name: isFlammable
Checks if this BlockState is flammable at the given position with the fire coming from the given direciton.
Returns: True if the BlockState if flammable. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.isFlammable(world as MCWorld, pos as BlockPos, face as Direction) as boolean
<blockstate:minecraft:grass>.isFlammable(world, new BlockPos(1, 2, 3), Direction.east);
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 world | 类型 MCWorld | 描述 A world object. |
参数 点 | 类型 BlockPos | 描述 The position of the BlockState. |
参数 face | 类型 Direction | 描述 The face that the fire is coming from. |
Name: isLadder
Checks if a Living Entity can use this block to climb like a ladder.
Returns: True if the entity can climb the block. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.isLadder(world as MCWorld, pos as BlockPos, entity as MCLivingEntity) as boolean
<blockstate:minecraft:grass>.isLadder(world, new BlockPos(1, 2, 3), entity);
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 world | 类型 MCWorld | 描述 A world object. |
参数 点 | 类型 BlockPos | 描述 The position to check at. |
参数 entity | 类型 MCLivingEntity | 描述 The entity that wants to climb the block. |
Name: isPortalFrame
Determins if this BlockState can be used as the frame of a Nether portal.
Returns: True if this BlockState can be used as a Nether portal frame. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.isPortalFrame(world as MCWorld, pos as BlockPos) as boolean
<blockstate:minecraft:grass>.isPortalFrame(world, new BlockPos(1, 2, 3));
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 world | 类型 MCWorld | 描述 A world object. |
参数 点 | 类型 BlockPos | 描述 The position of the Blockstate. |
Name: isScaffolding
Checks if the entity should handle movement on this BlockState like it handles movement on scaffolding.
Returns: True if this BlockState should act like scaffolding. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.isScaffolding(entity as MCLivingEntity) as boolean
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 entity | 类型 MCLivingEntity | 描述 The entity that is being checked against. |
Name: isSlime
Checks if this BlockState is a Slime Block.
Returns: True if this BlockState is Slime. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.isSlime() as boolean
Name: isSolid
Checks whether this BlockState is solid.
Returns: True if this BlockState is solid. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.isSolid() as boolean
Name: isSticky
Checks if this BlockState is sticky.
This is used to determine if the block should pull or push adjacent blocks when pushed / pulled by a piston. For example, Slime Blocks are sticky blocks.
Returns: True if this BlockState is Sticky. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.isSticky() as boolean
Name: isToolEffective
Checks if the given ToolType is effective against this BlockState.
Returns: True if the ToolType is effective. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript CopyMCBlockState.isToolEffective(tool as ToolType) as boolean
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 tool | 类型 ToolType | 描述 The ToolType to check for. |
Name: setBedOccupied
Marks the block as "occupied", this is only supported on blocks that have the "occupied" BlockState property.
The game WILL crash if you call this on a blockstate that doesn't have the property, so make sure you check it before calling it!
Return Type: void
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.setBedOccupied(world as MCWorld, pos as BlockPos, sleeper as MCLivingEntity, occupied as boolean) as void
<blockstate:minecraft:grass>.setBedOccupied(world, new BlockPos(1, 2, 3), livingEntity, true);
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 world | 类型 MCWorld | 描述 A world object. |
参数 点 | 类型 BlockPos | 描述 The position of the BlockState. |
参数 sleeper | 类型 MCLivingEntity | 描述 The LivingEntity that is occupying the bed. |
参数 occupied | 类型 布尔值 | 描述 If the bed is occupied or not. |
Name: setHardness
Sets the hardness of this BlockState.
Return Type: void
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.setHardness(hardness as float) as void
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 hardness | 类型 float | 描述 the new hardness of this BlockState |
Name: ticksRandomly
Checks whether this BlockState ticks randomly.
Returns: True if this BlockState ticks randomly. False otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.ticksRandomly() as boolean
Name: withProperty
Sets a block property based on it's name.
Returns: This BlockState with the new property value.
Return Type: MCBlockState
ZenScript Copy// MCBlockState.withProperty(name as string, value as string) as MCBlockState
<blockstate:minecraft:grass>.withProperty("snowy", "true");
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 name(名称) | 类型 string | 描述 The name of the property to set. |
参数 value | 类型 string | 描述 The new value of the property. |
名称 | 类型 | 可获得 | 可设置 | 描述 |
名称 block #方块 | 类型 MCBlock #MC方块 | 可获得 true | 可设置 false | 描述 Gets the base MCBlock of this BlockState. The MCBlock will not contain any of the properties of this BlockState. |
名称 canProvidePower #可提供能量(应该是指红石之类的) | 类型 布尔值 | 可获得 true | 可设置 false | 描述 Checks whether this BlockState can provide Redstone Power |
名称 commandString #命令字符串 | 类型 string | 可获得 true | 可设置 false | 描述 Gets the blockstate bracket handler syntax for this BlockState. E.G. |
名称 hardness | 类型 float | 可获得 true | 可设置 true | 描述 Gets the hardness of this BlockState. |
名称 harvestLevel | 类型 int | 可获得 true | 可设置 false | 描述 Gets the harvest level of this BlockState. |
名称 harvestTool | 类型 ToolType? | 可获得 true | 可设置 false | 描述 Gets the ToolType of this BlockState. |
名称 hasTileEntity #具有方块实体 | 类型 布尔值 | 可获得 true | 可设置 false | 描述 Checks whether this BlockState has a MCTileEntity. |
名称 isSlime | 类型 布尔值 | 可获得 true | 可设置 false | 描述 Checks if this BlockState is a Slime Block. |
名称 isSolid #是否为固体 | 类型 布尔值 | 可获得 true | 可设置 false | 描述 Checks whether this BlockState is solid. |
名称 isSticky #是否具有粘性 | 类型 布尔值 | 可获得 true | 可设置 false | 描述 Checks if this BlockState is sticky. This is used to determine if the block should pull or push adjacent blocks when pushed / pulled by a piston. For example, Slime Blocks are sticky blocks. |
名称 lightLevel #光照级别 | 类型 int | 可获得 true | 可设置 false | 描述 Gets the light level of this BlockState |
名称 propertyNames | 类型 stdlib.List<string> | 可获得 true | 可设置 false | 描述 Gets the names of the properties of this BlockState. |
名称 ticksRandomly #是否具有随机刻 | 类型 布尔值 | 可获得 true | 可设置 false | 描述 Checks whether this BlockState ticks randomly. |