Link to refinery
Allows you to add or remove Refinery recipes.
Refinery Recipes consist of two fluid inputs and a fluid output.
Link to 导入类
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
ZenScript Copyimport mods.immersiveengineering.Refinery;
Link to 已实现的接口
Refinery implements the following interfaces. That means all methods defined in these interfaces are also available in Refinery
Link to 使用方式
Name: addJsonRecipe
ZenScript CopyRefinery.addJsonRecipe(name as string, mapData as MapData)
参数 | 类型 |
参数 name(名称) | 类型 string |
参数 mapData | 类型 MapData #地图数据 |
Name: addRecipe
Adds a recipe to the Refinery. Make sure that the provided Tags are valid fluid tags.
ZenScript CopyRefinery.addRecipe(recipePath as string, fluidInput1 as Many<MCTag>, fluidInput2 as Many<MCTag>, catalyst as IIngredient, energy as int, output as IFluidStack)
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 recipePath | 类型 string | 描述 The recipe name, without the resource location |
参数 fluidInput1 | 类型 Many<MCTag> | 描述 The first fluid input, as Tag |
参数 fluidInput2 | 类型 Many<MCTag> | 描述 The second fluid input, as Tag |
参数 catalyst | 类型 材料(IIngredient) | 描述 The catalyst of the recipe |
参数 energy | 类型 int | 描述 The total energy required |
参数 output(输出) | 类型 IFluidStack | 描述 The output fluid |
Name: getAllRecipes
Return Type: stdlib.List<T>
ZenScript Copy// Refinery.getAllRecipes() as stdlib.List<T>
Name: getRecipeByName
Return Type: T
ZenScript CopyRefinery.getRecipeByName(name as string) as T
参数 | 类型 |
参数 name(名称) | 类型 string |
Name: getRecipeMap
Return Type: T[ResourceLocation]
ZenScript Copy// Refinery.getRecipeMap() as T[ResourceLocation]
Name: getRecipesByOutput
Return Type: stdlib.List<T>
ZenScript CopyRefinery.getRecipesByOutput(output as IIngredient) as stdlib.List<T>
参数 | 类型 |
参数 output(输出) | 类型 材料(IIngredient) |
Name: removeAll
ZenScript Copy// Refinery.removeAll()
Name: removeByInput
ZenScript CopyRefinery.removeByInput(input as IItemStack)
参数 | 类型 |
参数 input(输入) | 类型 IItemstack |
Name: removeByModid
ZenScript CopyRefinery.removeByModid(modid as string, exclude as Predicate<string>)
参数 | 类型 | 可选 | 默认值 |
参数 modid | 类型 string | 可选 false | 默认值 |
参数 不包含 | 类型 Predicate<string> | 可选 true | 默认值 (name as string) as bool => false |
Name: removeByName
ZenScript CopyRefinery.removeByName(names as string[])
参数 | 类型 |
参数 names | 类型 string[] |
Name: removeByRegex
ZenScript CopyRefinery.removeByRegex(regex as string, exclude as Predicate<string>)
参数 | 类型 | 可选 | 默认值 |
参数 regex | 类型 string | 可选 false | 默认值 |
参数 不包含 | 类型 Predicate<string> | 可选 true | 默认值 (name as string) as bool => false |
Name: removeRecipe
Removes all recipes that return this given fluid. Since it's only the fluid, it does not check amounts.
ZenScript Copy// Refinery.removeRecipe(fluid as Fluid)
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 fluid | 类型 Fluid | 描述 The fluid output to remove |
Name: removeRecipe
Removes all recipes that return this given fluid Stack. Only removes if the fluid and the fluid amount match.
ZenScript Copy// Refinery.removeRecipe(fluidStack as IFluidStack)
<recipetype:immersiveengineering:refinery>.removeRecipe(<fluid:immersiveengineering:biodiesel> * 16);
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
参数 fluidStack | 类型 IFluidStack | 描述 The output to remove |
名称 | 类型 | 可获得 | 可设置 |
名称 allRecipes | 类型 stdlib.List<T> | 可获得 true | 可设置 false |
名称 recipeMap | 类型 T[ResourceLocation] | 可获得 true | 可设置 false |