Entity Interface. Used to obtain and modify information entities’ data.
Entities are everything that is freely movable in the world such as players, monsters, items on the ground any many more.
Importing the package
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import.
import crafttweaker.entity.IEntity;
Extending ICommandSender
IEntity extends ICommandSender. That means that all methods that are availabel to ICommandSender Objects also are available to IEntity Objects!
Derived Methods
- entity.displayName
- entity.position
- entity.server
- entity.sendMessage(String text)
GetterName | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) |
GetterName air | GetterMethod getAir() | Return Type (can be null) int |
GetterName alive | GetterMethod isAlive() | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName alwaysRenderNameTag | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName armorInventory | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) List<IItemStack |
GetterName canBeAttackedWithItem | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName canBeCollidedWith | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName canPassengerSteer | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName canRiderInteract | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName controllingPassenger | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) IEntity |
GetterName customName | GetterMethod getCustomName() | Return Type (can be null) string |
GetterName definition | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) IEntityDefinition |
GetterName dimension | GetterMethod getDimension() | Return Type (can be null) int |
GetterName doesTriggerPressurePlate | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName equipmentAndArmor | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) List<IItemStack |
GetterName eyeHeight | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) float |
GetterName hasCustomName | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName hasNoGravity | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName heldEquipment | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) List<IItemStack |
GetterName id | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) int |
GetterName immuneToFire | GetterMethod isImmuneToFire() | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName isBeingRidden | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName isBoss | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName isBurning | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName isGlowing | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName isImmuneToExplosions | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName isInLava | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName isInsideOpaqueBlock | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName isInvisible | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName isInvulnerable | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName isInWater | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName isLightningbolt | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName isOutsideBorder | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName isOverWater | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName isPushedByWater | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName isRiding | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName isSilent | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName isSneaking | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName isSprinting | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName lowestRidingEntity | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) IEntity |
GetterName maxFallHeight | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) int |
GetterName maxInPortalTime | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) int |
GetterName onGround | GetterMethod onGround() | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName parts | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) IEntity[] |
GetterName passengers | GetterMethod getPassengers() | Return Type (can be null) List<IEntity> |
GetterName passengersRecursive | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) List<IEntity> |
GetterName portalCooldowne | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) int |
GetterName position3f | GetterMethod getPosition3f() | Return Type (can be null) Position3f |
GetterName ridingEntity | GetterMethod getRidingEntity() | Return Type (can be null) IEntity |
GetterName shouldRiderSit | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName tags | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) List<string> |
GetterName team | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) ITeam |
GetterName wet | GetterMethod isWet() | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName world | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) IWorld |
GetterName x | GetterMethod getX() | Return Type (can be null) double |
GetterName y | GetterMethod getY() | Return Type (can be null) double |
GetterName z | GetterMethod getZ() | Return Type (can be null) double |
GetterName motionX | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) double |
GetterName motionY | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) double |
GetterName motionZ | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) double |
GetterName posX | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) double |
GetterName posY | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) double |
GetterName posZ | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) double |
GetterName rotationYaw | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) float |
GetterName rotationPitch | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) float |
GetterName lookingDirection | GetterMethod | Return Type (can be null) IVector3d |
GetterName nbt | GetterMethod getNBT() | Return Type (can be null) IData |
GetterName horizontalFacing | GetterMethod getHorizontalFacing() | Return Type (can be null) IFacing |
GetterName updateBlocked | GetterMethod getUpdateBlocked() | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName inPortal | GetterMethod getInPortal() | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
GetterName portalCounter | GetterMethod getPortalCounter() | Return Type (can be null) int |
GetterName lastPortalVec | GetterMethod getLastPortalVec() | Return Type (can be null) IVector3d |
GetterName lastPortalPos | GetterMethod getLastPortalPos() | Return Type (can be null) IBlockPos |
GetterName lastPortalDirection | GetterMethod getLastPortalDirection() | Return Type (can be null) IFacing |
SetterName | SetterMethod | Parameter Type |
SetterName air | SetterMethod setAir(seconds) | Parameter Type int |
SetterName alwaysRenderNameTag | SetterMethod | Parameter Type boolean |
SetterName customName | SetterMethod setCustomName(name) | Parameter Type string |
SetterName dimension | SetterMethod setDimension(id) | Parameter Type int |
SetterName fire | SetterMethod setFire(seconds) | Parameter Type int |
SetterName hasNoGravity | SetterMethod | Parameter Type boolean |
SetterName id | SetterMethod | Parameter Type int |
SetterName isGlowing | SetterMethod | Parameter Type boolean |
SetterName isInvisible | SetterMethod | Parameter Type boolean |
SetterName isOutsideBorder | SetterMethod | Parameter Type boolean |
SetterName isSilent | SetterMethod | Parameter Type boolean |
SetterName isSneaking | SetterMethod | Parameter Type boolean |
SetterName isSprinting | SetterMethod | Parameter Type boolean |
SetterName position | SetterMethod setPosition(pos) | Parameter Type IBlockPos |
SetterName rotationYaw | SetterMethod | Parameter Type float |
SetterName rotationPitch | SetterMethod | Parameter Type float |
SetterName motionX | SetterMethod | Parameter Type double |
SetterName motionY | SetterMethod | Parameter Type double |
SetterName motionZ | SetterMethod | Parameter Type double |
SetterName posX | SetterMethod | Parameter Type double |
SetterName posY | SetterMethod | Parameter Type double |
SetterName posZ | SetterMethod | Parameter Type double |
SetterName nbt | SetterMethod setNBT(data) | Parameter Type IData |
SetterName team | SetterMethod setTeam(team) | Parameter Type ITeam |
SetterName updateBlocked | SetterMethod setUpdateBlocked(value) | Parameter Type boolean |
SetterName inPortal | SetterMethod setInPortal(value) | Parameter Type boolean |
SetterName portalCounter | SetterMethod setPortalCounter(value) | Parameter Type int |
SetterName lastPortalVec | SetterMethod setLastPortalVec(vector) | Parameter Type IVector3d |
SetterName lastPortalPos | SetterMethod setLastPortalPos(pos) | Parameter Type IBlockPos |
SetterName lastPortalDirection | SetterMethod setLastPortalDirection(direction) | Parameter Type IFacing |
More ZenMethods
- boolean attackEntityFrom(IDamageSource source, float amount);
- boolean canTrample(IWorld world, IBlockDefinition block, IBlockPos pos, float fall);
- boolean isInsideOfMaterial(IMaterial material);
- double getDistanceSqToEntity(entity); → Returns the distance to the given Entity
- IItemStack getPickedResult(); → Returns the item that picking up the entity would return (e.g. the item id the entity is an item or the minecart item)
- void addTag(String tag);
- void extinguish(); → Extinguishes the entity, if on fire
- void onEntityUpdate();
- void onKillCommand();
- void onUpdate();
- void removeTag(String tag);
- void setDead(); → Kills the entity
- void spawnRunningParticles();
- void removePassengers();
- void dismountRidingEntity();
- boolean isOnSameTeam(IEntity other);
- void setInWeb();
- void doWaterSplashEffect();
- boolean isEntityEqual(IEntity other);
- boolean isInvulnerableTo(IDamageSource source);
- boolean shouldRiderDismountInWater(IEntity rider)
- boolean boolean isPassenger(IEntity entity);
- boolean isRidingSameEntity(IEntity other);
- IRayTraceResult getRayTrace(double blockReachDistance, float partialTicks, @Optional boolean stopOnLiquid, @Optional boolean ignoreBlockWithoutBoundingBox, @Optional(valueBoolean = true) boolean returnLastUncollidableBlock);