A living Entity is one that has health and that can die.
That means Monsters, Animals but also IPlayers.
Importing the package
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import.
import crafttweaker.entity.IEntityLivingBase;
Extending IEntity
IEntityLivingBase extends IEntity. That means all functions available to IEntities also are available to IEntityLivingBase.
ZenGetter | Return Type (can be null) |
ZenGetter activeHand | Return Type (can be null) IEntityEquipmentSlot |
ZenGetter activeItemStack | Return Type (can be null) IItemStack |
ZenGetter activePotionEffects | Return Type (can be null) List<IPotionEffect> |
ZenGetter AIMovementSpeed | Return Type (can be null) float |
ZenGetter arrowsInEntity | Return Type (can be null) int |
ZenGetter attackingEntity | Return Type (can be null) IEntityLivingBase |
ZenGetter canBreatheUnderwater | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
ZenGetter health | Return Type (can be null) float |
ZenGetter isActiveItemStackBlocking | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
ZenGetter isChild | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
ZenGetter isElytraFlying | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
ZenGetter isOnLadder | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
ZenGetter isUndead | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
ZenGetter lastAttackedEntity | Return Type (can be null) IEntityLivingBase |
ZenGetter lastAttackedEntityTime | Return Type (can be null) int |
ZenGetter lastDamageSource | Return Type (can be null) IDamageSource |
ZenGetter mainHandHeldItem | Return Type (can be null) IItemStack |
ZenGetter maxHealth | Return Type (can be null) float |
ZenGetter offHandHeldItem | Return Type (can be null) IItemStack |
ZenGetter revengeTarget | Return Type (can be null) IEntityLivingBase |
ZenGetter swingInProgress | Return Type (can be null) boolean |
ZenGetter totalArmorValue | Return Type (can be null) int |
ZenGetter moveForward | Return Type (can be null) float |
ZenGetter moveStrafing | Return Type (can be null) float |
ZenGetter moveVertical | Return Type (can be null) float |
ZenSetter | Parameter Type (can be null) |
ZenSetter AIMovementSpeed | Parameter Type (can be null) float |
ZenSetter arrowsInEntity | Parameter Type (can be null) int |
ZenSetter health | Parameter Type (can be null) float |
ZenSetter lastAttackedEntity | Parameter Type (can be null) IEntityLivingBase |
ZenSetter revengeTarget | Parameter Type (can be null) IEntityLivingBase |
ZenSetter swingProgress | Parameter Type (can be null) int |
ZenSetter moveForward | Parameter Type (can be null) float |
ZenSetter moveStrafing | Parameter Type (can be null) float |
ZenSetter moveVertical | Parameter Type (can be null) float |
More ZenMethods
- boolean attackEntityFrom(IDamageSource source, float amount) → Does something…
- boolean canEntityBeSeen(IEntity other);
- boolean hasItemInSlot(IEntityEquipmentSlot slot);
- boolean isPotionActive(IPotion potion) → Returns true if the goven potion is active
- boolean isPotionEffectApplicable(IPotionEffect potionEffect);
- heal(float amount) → Heals the entity by the amount given
- IEntityAttributeInstance getAttribute(String name) → Returns the given Attribute
- IItemStack getItemInSlot(IEntityEquipmentSlot slot);
- IPotionEffect getActivePotionEffect(IPotion potion);
- void addPotionEffect(IPotionEffect potionEffect);
- void removePotionEffect(IPotion potion);
- void clearActivePotions() → Removes all active potions from the Entity
- void knockBack(IEntity source, float strength, double xRatio, double zRatio);
- void onDeath();
- void onLivingUpdate();
- void setItemToSlot(IEntityEquipmentSlot slot, IItemStack itemStack);
- void resetActiveHand();
- void stopActiveHand();