A Creature.
Importing the package
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import.
import crafttweaker.entity.IEntityCreature;
Extending IEntityLiving
IEntityCreature extends IEntityLiving. That means all functions available to IEntityLiving objects also are available to IEntityCreature.
ZenGetter | Type |
ZenGetter hasPath | Type bool |
ZenGetter isWithinHomeDistance | Type bool |
ZenGetter homePosition | Type IBlockPos |
ZenGetter maximumHomeDistance | Type float |
ZenGetter hasHome | Type bool |
play living sound
Method expects nothing.
Returns nothing.
Set or detach home
First method expects an IBlockPos object and an int.
Second method expects nothing.
Both methods return nothing.
entAnObj.setHomePositionAndDistance(IBlockPos pos, int distance);entAnObj.detachHome();
Check if a position is within the home distance
Method expects an IBlockPos object.
Returns a bool.