Link to arrow
Importing the class
Link to importing-the-class
It might be required for you to import the package if you encounter any issues (like casting an Array), so better be safe than sorry and add the import at the very top of the file.
ZenScript Copyimport crafttweaker.api.entity.type.projectile.arrow.Arrow;
Extending Projectile
Link to extending-projectile
Arrow extends Projectile. That means all methods available in Projectile are also available in Arrow
Link to methods
Name: getBaseDamage
Gets the base damage that this arrow does.
Returns: The base damage of this arrow.
Return Type: double
ZenScript Copy// Arrow.getBaseDamage() as double
Name: getKnockback
Gets the knockback of this arrow.
Returns: The knockback of this arrow.
Return Type: int
ZenScript Copy// Arrow.getKnockback() as int
Name: getPierceLevel
Gets the pierce level of this arrow.
Returns: the pierce level of this arrow.
Return Type: byte
ZenScript Copy// Arrow.getPierceLevel() as byte
Name: isCritArrow
Checks whether this arrow is a crit arrow.
Returns: true if this is a crit arrow, false otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// Arrow.isCritArrow() as boolean
Name: isNoPhysics
Checks if this arrow has physics or not.
Returns: true if this arrow doesn't have physics, false otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// Arrow.isNoPhysics() as boolean
Name: setBaseDamage
Sets the base damage that this arrow does.
ZenScript Copy// Arrow.setBaseDamage(damage as double)
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter damage | Type double | Description The base damage. |
Name: setCritArrow
Sets this the crit value of this arrow.
ZenScript Copy// Arrow.setCritArrow(crit as boolean)
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter crit | Type boolean | Description The crit value to set. |
Name: setEnchantmentEffectsFromEntity
Sets the values of this arrow based on the enchantments the given entity has. This handles setting the knockback if the bow has a knockback enchantment.
ZenScript Copy// Arrow.setEnchantmentEffectsFromEntity(entity as LivingEntity, distanceFactor as float)
myArrow.setEnchantmentEffectsFromEntity(entity, 1);
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter entity | Type LivingEntity | Description The entity that fired the arrow |
Parameter distanceFactor | Type float | Description How charged is the bow. |
Name: setKnockback
Sets the knockback of this arrow.
ZenScript Copy// Arrow.setKnockback(knockback as int)
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter knockback | Type int | Description The knockback value. |
Name: setNoPhysics
Sets if this arrow has physics or not.
ZenScript Copy// Arrow.setNoPhysics(noPhysics as boolean)
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter noPhysics | Type boolean | Description If this arrow has physics or not. |
Name: setPierceLevel
Sets the pierce level of this arrow.
ZenScript CopyArrow.setPierceLevel(pieceLevel as byte)
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter pieceLevel | Type byte | Description The pierce level of this arrow. |
Name: setShotFromCrossbow
Sets if this arrow was shot from a crossbow or not.
ZenScript Copy// Arrow.setShotFromCrossbow(shotFromCrossbow as boolean)
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter shotFromCrossbow | Type boolean | Description If this arrow was shot from a crossbow or not. |
Name: setSoundEvent
Sets the sound event that this arrow plays when it hits an entity or block.
ZenScript CopyArrow.setSoundEvent(event as SoundEvent)
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter event | Type SoundEvent | Description The sound event to play when |
Name: shotFromCrossbow
Checks if this arrow was shot from a crossbow.
Returns: true if it was shot from a crossbow, false otherwise.
Return Type: boolean
ZenScript Copy// Arrow.shotFromCrossbow() as boolean
Link to properties
Name | Type | Has Getter | Has Setter | Description |
Name baseDamage | Type Arrow | Has Getter true | Has Setter true | Description Sets the base damage that this arrow does. |
Name isCritArrow | Type Arrow | Has Getter true | Has Setter true | Description Sets this the crit value of this arrow. |
Name isNoPhysics | Type Arrow | Has Getter true | Has Setter true | Description Sets if this arrow has physics or not. |
Name knockback | Type Arrow | Has Getter true | Has Setter true | Description Sets the knockback of this arrow. |
Name pierceLevel | Type Arrow | Has Getter true | Has Setter true | Description Sets the pierce level of this arrow. |
Name shotFromCrossbow | Type Arrow | Has Getter false | Has Setter true | Description Sets if this arrow was shot from a crossbow or not. |
Name soundEvent | Type Arrow | Has Getter false | Has Setter true | Description Sets the sound event that this arrow plays when it hits an entity or block. |