The ItemExpire Event is fired whenever an Item expires (reaches its maximum lifespan).
It can be canceled to prevent the item from being flagged as dead.
If canceled it will add extralife
to the item’s lifetime.
Event Class
You will need to cast the event in the function header as this class:
You can, of course, also import the class before and use that name then.
Event interface extensions
PlayerDeathDrops Events implement the following interfaces and are able to call all of their methods/getters/setters as well:
ZenGetter | ZenSetter | Type |
ZenGetter item | ZenSetter | Type IEntityItem |
ZenGetter extraLife | ZenSetter extraLife | Type int |
ZenGetters/ZenSetters/ZenMethods from extensions
The following information can be retrieved/set during the event:
ZenGetter | ZenSetter | Type |
ZenGetter canceled | ZenSetter canceled | Type bool |
ZenGetter entity | ZenSetter | Type IEntity |
Method, returns void (nothing). Can cancel the event and stop something from happening